Documentation on is organized into "Guides", which are table-of-contents pages that include one or more sub-guides and sub-pages. Each guide can have one or more "Maintainers", who are responsible for the content and organization of the guide.


Documentation makes solving Drupal problems possible. Good, complete documentation enables users, developers, QA folks, and others to learn about how Drupal and its community work. Maintainers make sure each documentation guide is consistent and usable.

Accountable for: 
  • Creating, editing, and deleting pages and guides within the guide
  • Monitoring the guide for new additions and edits, and validating them
  • Adding and removing other maintainers
  • Modifying the guide menu: adding, removing, and editing menu items

See the documentation maintainers guide for more information

How to get started: 

If you find a Documentation guide that you are interested in maintaining:

  • If the guide currently has no maintainers and you are a Confirmed user on, go to the Discuss page for the guide and click the link that says "Become a maintainer immediately.
  • If the guide already has maintainers, add a comment on the Discuss page asking to be added as a maintainer. You can also contact one of the current maintainers (using Slack or their contact page) and ask to be made a maintainer.

There is also an issue listing some of the guides that need maintainers: #2682083: Recruiting guide maintainers for documentation

Tasks this role performs: