WEBVTT 78 00:09:03.100 --> 00:09:09.649 Benji Fisher: welcome. This is the drupal usability meeting for November third, 2023. I'm Benji Fisher moderating. 79 00:09:09.890 --> 00:09:14.619 Benji Fisher: And also here are Ralph Kohler, who's sharing his screen, and we'll start off the discussion. 80 00:09:14.950 --> 00:09:18.010 Benji Fisher: Aaron Mikhail, Kristina, Cumias 81 00:09:18.300 --> 00:09:29.120 Benji Fisher: and Simo Hilston. Welcome! All thanks for coming. And Ralph, go ahead. Oh, I actually booed before before you start. Christina just joined a minute ago. 82 00:09:29.290 --> 00:09:31.760 is there something you'd like to discuss, Christina? 83 00:09:32.900 --> 00:09:34.210 Cristina Chumillas: Nothing specific. 84 00:09:34.290 --> 00:09:35.990 Benji Fisher: Okay, then go ahead, Ralph. 85 00:09:51.080 --> 00:09:52.719 Benji Fisher: Ralph, you're still muted. 86 00:09:54.160 --> 00:10:13.940 Ralf Koller: Apologies. Thank you. Yeah, I've said. The first issue is one Lori edit. The Needs Usability review about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It's make the Scripture field labels. Consistent issue number is 3, 3, 6, 5, 2, 2 87 00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:27.340 Ralf Koller: and I think the best thing is, we quickly go through all the pages I've already opened corresponding tabs that are listed in that table here. 88 00:10:28.060 --> 00:10:33.079 Ralf Koller: at first. Or let's start with it. 89 00:10:33.660 --> 00:10:39.340 Ralf Koller: Blog types basically add block type. You have description. And the description for that 90 00:10:39.590 --> 00:10:44.150 Ralf Koller: field displays on the block types. Page 91 00:10:45.350 --> 00:10:54.540 Ralf Koller: add comment. Type is description displays on the comment type page. Add content. Type is description displays on the content types. Page 92 00:10:55.290 --> 00:11:00.859 Ralf Koller: same as media type is. Description displays on the media types. Page 93 00:11:01.520 --> 00:11:03.979 Ralf Koller: add menu, that is the first 94 00:11:04.270 --> 00:11:08.670 Ralf Koller: different one. 95 00:11:08.710 --> 00:11:20.179 Ralf Koller: It just says, administrative, administrative, summary, without any description, and any further explanations. What it might be, then you have add vocabulary. 96 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:22.910 Ralf Koller: that is also just description. 97 00:11:23.190 --> 00:11:24.679 Ralf Koller: and then you have 98 00:11:26.200 --> 00:11:28.080 Ralf Koller: add view. There. 99 00:11:28.270 --> 00:11:31.870 Ralf Koller: you basically have. and opt-in for description. 100 00:11:31.940 --> 00:11:36.130 Ralf Koller: You have to check, and then you get that. And the last detail 101 00:11:36.190 --> 00:11:45.380 Ralf Koller: oops is. add block. add a block content. and that is a 102 00:11:46.090 --> 00:11:51.200 Ralf Koller: I walk you quickly through there. It's also listed in the table. 103 00:11:51.500 --> 00:11:52.700 Ralf Koller: and 104 00:11:52.860 --> 00:12:02.219 Ralf Koller: it's probably a bit of problematic one. Because in particular, with a new issue that's coming in. 105 00:12:03.800 --> 00:12:10.770 Ralf Koller: I just have to reload that blog content. Basic blog. So now, yeah. 106 00:12:11.440 --> 00:12:17.509 Ralf Koller: you now have the save button which brings you back. For example, if you make a 107 00:12:17.930 --> 00:12:18.860 Ralf Koller: test 108 00:12:20.490 --> 00:12:21.870 Ralf Koller: and save 109 00:12:22.090 --> 00:12:24.809 Ralf Koller: you, get back to the block list. 110 00:12:25.090 --> 00:12:27.360 Ralf Koller: and but if you 111 00:12:27.670 --> 00:12:34.170 Ralf Koller: go on and let's say before the lead, and you have block description, block description, you would expect something 112 00:12:34.390 --> 00:12:38.539 Ralf Koller: more pros, something more expressive and verbose. 113 00:12:40.800 --> 00:12:41.800 Ralf Koller: blocks 114 00:12:43.570 --> 00:12:48.540 Ralf Koller: that communicate the 115 00:12:48.950 --> 00:12:50.950 Ralf Koller: values of 116 00:12:51.950 --> 00:12:54.230 Ralf Koller: our group 117 00:12:54.540 --> 00:13:00.870 Ralf Koller: and be clear and 118 00:13:01.950 --> 00:13:06.390 Ralf Koller: explicit about it. 119 00:13:07.640 --> 00:13:12.279 Ralf Koller: So everyone is able to understand. 120 00:13:12.690 --> 00:13:13.990 Ralf Koller: But the 121 00:13:15.060 --> 00:13:16.160 Ralf Koller: being 122 00:13:16.730 --> 00:13:20.589 Ralf Koller: in the group is all about. 123 00:13:22.310 --> 00:13:25.389 Ralf Koller: and if you go now to save and configure 124 00:13:26.930 --> 00:13:36.930 Ralf Koller: that description gets transferred into the title as well as in the machine name. Now, if you set some of the header and save 125 00:13:37.970 --> 00:13:42.669 Ralf Koller: you get an error message. Machine. Readable name cannot be longer than 64 characters. 126 00:13:43.880 --> 00:13:45.650 Ralf Koller: Yeah, 127 00:13:46.490 --> 00:13:50.120 Ralf Koller: that's basically it about all 128 00:13:50.860 --> 00:13:55.150 Ralf Koller: the listed places, the field label. 129 00:13:55.390 --> 00:14:01.870 Ralf Koller: description, field labels are used. Are there any questions before we get to the 130 00:14:02.310 --> 00:14:05.790 Ralf Koller: points that are potential stepping stones. 131 00:14:09.940 --> 00:14:15.840 Benji Fisher: So it it looks to me as though that problem with blocks is 132 00:14:17.100 --> 00:14:20.260 Benji Fisher: really a separate issue from from the rest of it. 133 00:14:21.950 --> 00:14:24.669 Ralf Koller: But it was uncovered. 134 00:14:25.330 --> 00:14:36.310 Ralf Koller: having all those pages listed, and if you go through it for consistency purposes, then it gets uncovered, and I considered it an important one. 135 00:14:39.680 --> 00:14:45.910 Benji Fisher: Yeah. Oh, and let me just mention animal girl has joined the meeting. Thanks for coming. 136 00:14:46.610 --> 00:14:55.140 Benji Fisher: okay, so. And and if there are no questions about the context, or where this comes up, or anything. 137 00:14:55.630 --> 00:14:59.169 Benji Fisher: go ahead, Ralph. What are? What are the questions we have to consider? 138 00:15:00.010 --> 00:15:08.610 Ralf Koller: from my perspective, for consistency reasons. If you take a look at all those steps. 139 00:15:08.870 --> 00:15:14.380 Ralf Koller: The main purpose from my perspective is to keep 140 00:15:14.680 --> 00:15:25.799 Ralf Koller: the field label description that is clear and use the description for basically telling the user or the person using the interface 141 00:15:26.820 --> 00:15:34.560 Ralf Koller: where that description is used, actually used, and that is missing on a few places for vocabulary, for example. 142 00:15:34.930 --> 00:15:47.430 Ralf Koller: and. for example, the that outlier, administrative, administrative, summary from my perspective. Personally, for me, it creates 143 00:15:49.090 --> 00:15:51.210 Ralf Koller: misleading associations 144 00:15:51.630 --> 00:15:56.460 Ralf Koller: with administrative summary. I expect something else and something bigger with 145 00:15:57.500 --> 00:15:59.520 Ralf Koller: with more implications, basically 146 00:16:01.910 --> 00:16:05.150 Ralf Koller: my perspective in general. 147 00:16:05.210 --> 00:16:07.460 Ralf Koller: it would be a good thing to keep 148 00:16:07.770 --> 00:16:09.570 Ralf Koller: the field label 149 00:16:09.840 --> 00:16:12.809 Ralf Koller: consistent and be just description 150 00:16:13.340 --> 00:16:16.329 Ralf Koller: and use the description for that field 151 00:16:17.220 --> 00:16:22.949 Ralf Koller: to tell the user where the field or the description could be actually be found. That would be 152 00:16:23.010 --> 00:16:27.910 Ralf Koller: the most straightforward way to approach things from my perspective. 153 00:16:29.710 --> 00:16:41.530 Simo Hellsten: I agree that we should maybe keep to using summary for longer text, as we have the feared type. something with some like formatted text with summary. So it's kind of 154 00:16:42.200 --> 00:16:44.720 Simo Hellsten: that's a core field. So we use it 155 00:16:45.010 --> 00:16:54.429 Simo Hellsten: as a kind of to use it as consistent for a longer text. But I was wondering, do we have somewhere? Are we using something like administrative title. 156 00:16:55.430 --> 00:16:57.700 Simo Hellsten: or is that something that used to be. 157 00:17:00.830 --> 00:17:02.080 Ralf Koller: and 158 00:17:03.100 --> 00:17:09.089 Benji Fisher: I think maybe in layout builder. When when you add a block, it asks for an administrative title. 159 00:17:15.119 --> 00:17:16.290 Ralf Koller: but quickly 160 00:17:16.750 --> 00:17:20.009 Ralf Koller: look in layout, layout builder, Benji. 161 00:17:22.430 --> 00:17:25.929 Ralf Koller: I'm sorry. Should I quickly switch to layout builder? 162 00:17:26.670 --> 00:17:36.890 Benji Fisher: Yeah, if you want, you can use the link I gave. II installed Umami so layout builders 163 00:18:01.850 --> 00:18:04.739 Ralf Koller: I'll take oh, and we should go to recipe better. 165 00:18:20.960 --> 00:18:23.640 Benji Fisher: no, I don't see it. I thought there would be. 166 00:18:32.680 --> 00:18:34.959 Benji Fisher: I may be misremembering. 167 00:18:35.310 --> 00:18:38.039 Ralf Koller: No, doesn't look like there is 168 00:18:45.600 --> 00:18:46.360 Ralf Koller: Nope. 169 00:18:59.190 --> 00:19:00.130 Ralf Koller: Nope. 170 00:19:04.170 --> 00:19:06.620 In regards to Summary. 171 00:19:13.880 --> 00:19:19.939 Ralf Koller: I think administrative summary was introduced. based on Laurie's suggestion. 172 00:19:22.700 --> 00:19:35.880 Ralf Koller: I am wondering if administrative summary would be better labelled for these fields, because it describes what the description is used for. It looks like that menu description was labelled as description in the past, and was intentionally changed. In 173 00:19:37.020 --> 00:19:38.089 Ralf Koller: 1 s. 174 00:19:43.590 --> 00:19:54.560 Ralf Koller: it was changed to administrative summary in issue number 1, 9, 2, 6, 6, 9, 2. Manual description is misleading to allow for multiple input 175 00:19:58.450 --> 00:19:59.210 Ralf Koller: chef. 176 00:20:03.410 --> 00:20:11.369 Benji Fisher: So I guess the first question is. should we be consistent across these? I think we should. 177 00:20:12.440 --> 00:20:18.479 Benji Fisher: Does anyone disagree with that. Does anyone think it's a good idea to have 178 00:20:18.950 --> 00:20:24.040 Benji Fisher: administrative summary on menus and description on everything else? 179 00:20:27.410 --> 00:20:29.680 Benji Fisher: I don't see anyone speaking up. 180 00:20:29.700 --> 00:20:34.110 Benji Fisher: If you're trying to talk. You're you're muted. Feel free to use the chat. I will 181 00:20:34.500 --> 00:20:41.659 Benji Fisher: try to pay attention to the chat and read in any comments. If it's easier for you to type rather than talk. 182 00:20:41.870 --> 00:20:45.490 Benji Fisher: Okay, so we should be consistent, and I guess 183 00:20:47.030 --> 00:20:55.520 Benji Fisher: The advantage of administrative summary is that it conveys the information 184 00:20:56.020 --> 00:21:05.159 Benji Fisher: that this will not be shown to the user. This is something that only shows up in the admin interface. Or at least that's the intention. 185 00:21:05.550 --> 00:21:10.339 Benji Fisher: I guess, Ralph, you said it. It had different connotations to you. 186 00:21:12.260 --> 00:21:13.030 and 187 00:21:14.600 --> 00:21:22.350 Benji Fisher: I think there's some value in conveying that information in the label rather than making people read the 188 00:21:22.830 --> 00:21:25.159 Benji Fisher: help text to 189 00:21:25.460 --> 00:21:28.620 Benji Fisher: see that this is an admin only label. 190 00:21:33.110 --> 00:21:37.080 Benji Fisher: Maybe administrative label would be clearer. 191 00:21:40.790 --> 00:21:50.419 Benji Fisher: since it is generally supposed to be short, isn't it? It's it's not really a description or summary. It's really just a label for the Admin interface. 192 00:21:57.260 --> 00:22:02.050 Simo Hellsten: Simo, your audio is garbold 193 00:22:02.140 --> 00:22:06.589 Simo Hellsten: or it would be like, what if if this one is a summary? 194 00:22:07.060 --> 00:22:08.120 If 195 00:22:08.400 --> 00:22:15.460 Simo Hellsten: this one would be so sorry, what would be the full text web 196 00:22:16.550 --> 00:22:26.310 Benji Fisher: if this is a summary. What is the full text? That's a good point. Generally we only have a summary when it's summarizing something else. Is that your point? 197 00:22:28.860 --> 00:22:29.680 Simo Hellsten: Yes. 198 00:22:30.160 --> 00:22:30.990 Benji Fisher: okay? 199 00:22:34.180 --> 00:22:37.500 Benji Fisher: Again I repeated that because your audio is garbled. 200 00:22:40.540 --> 00:22:49.660 Benji Fisher: so, Ralph, you've looked at this before. What? What do you think the preferred answer is. 201 00:22:56.170 --> 00:23:00.819 Ralf Koller: think it should be definitely consistent across all 202 00:23:01.610 --> 00:23:04.580 Ralf Koller: those occasions 203 00:23:04.670 --> 00:23:13.460 Ralf Koller: I see your point in regards of administrative label, or something in that regard, but still description also 204 00:23:15.960 --> 00:23:17.250 Ralf Koller: works for me 205 00:23:17.320 --> 00:23:26.690 Ralf Koller: personally, because a description, if I see description, I know it describes something, and then you get the description underneath and underneath you get the 206 00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:31.489 Ralf Koller: place where it's actually used. And then you get the context, basically, and 207 00:23:31.520 --> 00:23:33.060 Ralf Koller: all those 208 00:23:33.810 --> 00:23:37.729 Ralf Koller: block type. If you say, for example, block type, then 209 00:23:40.030 --> 00:23:45.499 Ralf Koller: if you create a block. Then it's basically that description. 210 00:23:47.600 --> 00:23:48.810 Ralf Koller: So 211 00:23:51.320 --> 00:23:57.960 Ralf Koller: it is basically not. Technically, it is not even a label that way, isn't it? Cause it's a it's a description. 212 00:23:59.680 --> 00:24:01.429 Benji Fisher: Yes, I think you're right. 213 00:24:13.640 --> 00:24:19.330 Ralf Koller: Point with communicating that. It's only in the scope of the administrative interface 214 00:24:22.190 --> 00:24:28.969 Ralf Koller: might be an idea or atmosphere. but administrative administrative description is also lengthy and 215 00:24:32.800 --> 00:24:37.600 Ralf Koller: description, if alone is rather clear. 216 00:24:38.950 --> 00:24:40.339 Ralf Koller: My point of view. 217 00:24:43.730 --> 00:24:58.900 Benji Fisher: yeah. And and as help text goes, this is quite short. For instance, I'm looking at the Add Content type page and the but label on the description field is displays on the content types page. 218 00:24:59.040 --> 00:25:02.370 Benji Fisher: That's nice and short. So even though we'd 219 00:25:05.140 --> 00:25:12.690 Benji Fisher: we generally try to keep our our labels descriptive enough that you don't need to look at the description. That's 220 00:25:14.340 --> 00:25:18.649 Benji Fisher: that's a nice, concise description. so I could go with that 221 00:25:23.040 --> 00:25:37.040 Benji Fisher: So I don't really like using silence as sent. I'd appreciate if you could at least give a thumbs up or a thumbs down reaction. 222 00:25:37.150 --> 00:25:38.510 Benji Fisher: I think we've 223 00:25:39.180 --> 00:25:46.640 Benji Fisher: agreed that it well, we we agreed, for for lack of objections. That that consistency is a good thing. 224 00:25:48.330 --> 00:25:55.499 Benji Fisher: so shall we agree to follow the pattern that 225 00:25:56.140 --> 00:26:02.720 Benji Fisher: that we use the label description and the help text displays on the such and such page. 226 00:26:03.180 --> 00:26:05.459 Benji Fisher: I'm getting a thumbs up from Semo 227 00:26:06.600 --> 00:26:07.910 Benji Fisher: and animal. 228 00:26:11.050 --> 00:26:15.350 Benji Fisher: I think that's fine, Ralph. You think that's right. 229 00:26:16.260 --> 00:26:18.889 Benji Fisher: Okay, I'd call that a consensus. 230 00:26:21.300 --> 00:26:22.000 And 231 00:26:23.450 --> 00:26:29.380 Benji Fisher: so that applies to all of these types under admin structure. 232 00:26:39.520 --> 00:26:47.099 Ralf Koller: And would you agree to create follow up issues in regards of making removing that 233 00:26:48.190 --> 00:26:49.750 Ralf Koller: opt-in checkbox. 234 00:26:50.950 --> 00:26:58.870 Ralf Koller: because basically on the views page. The description is shown anyway. and 235 00:27:00.520 --> 00:27:02.689 Ralf Koller: therefore I think it would make sense 236 00:27:04.060 --> 00:27:11.159 Ralf Koller: to avoid that extra tap. Click! And just show the view, name, and the description underneath. 237 00:27:14.200 --> 00:27:18.270 Benji Fisher: Whether it's a follow up or not. II generally like to 238 00:27:18.290 --> 00:27:27.209 Benji Fisher: let the people working on the issue, decide whether it should be done in the same issue or not. Whether it should be done at all. 239 00:27:28.670 --> 00:27:34.649 Benji Fisher: I think this is another place where it would be good to follow the same pattern. 240 00:27:36.290 --> 00:27:37.730 Benji Fisher: Agree? Disagree? 241 00:27:39.350 --> 00:27:42.240 Ralf Koller: Yeah, but at least voice it in the issue 242 00:27:42.620 --> 00:27:44.010 Ralf Koller: that it was noted. 243 00:27:47.730 --> 00:27:49.759 Ralf Koller: I noticed, I mean sorry. 244 00:28:05.750 --> 00:28:07.949 Ralf Koller: and I would also 245 00:28:09.070 --> 00:28:11.030 Ralf Koller: ups at the 246 00:28:12.600 --> 00:28:15.850 Ralf Koller: comment about adding a block 247 00:28:18.290 --> 00:28:26.089 Ralf Koller: cause their block description is used, and the distinction where? What? What is a title, and what is a description? There is 248 00:28:26.960 --> 00:28:28.000 Ralf Koller: pretty 249 00:28:28.920 --> 00:28:30.670 Ralf Koller: mixed up, I will. 250 00:28:31.710 --> 00:28:33.579 Ralf Koller: and confusing potentially. 251 00:28:41.030 --> 00:28:56.099 Benji Fisher: Yes, I despite what I just said about about letting the people working on it decide this. This really does look like a separate issue to me, and deserves a separate issue. 252 00:28:56.440 --> 00:28:59.380 Benji Fisher: it is 253 00:29:01.120 --> 00:29:13.830 Benji Fisher: kind of silly to allow a long description like you gave, and and then generate an error a couple of screens later, because it's too Machine Lane. The machine name is too long. 254 00:29:14.050 --> 00:29:20.790 Benji Fisher: So it seems that we we should definitely set a maximum length on this text field. 255 00:29:22.130 --> 00:29:25.769 Benji Fisher: So that you don't get that error 256 00:29:28.350 --> 00:29:30.240 Benji Fisher: and perhaps 257 00:29:31.380 --> 00:29:33.969 Benji Fisher: change block description to block title. 258 00:29:34.350 --> 00:29:35.110 Ralf Koller: Yep. 259 00:29:35.360 --> 00:29:43.330 Ralf Koller: that is more. The point of the issue, I suppose, cause to start off with a description and then move to the title is confusing. 260 00:29:43.790 --> 00:29:44.460 And 261 00:29:45.970 --> 00:29:49.629 Benji Fisher: that's right and and and just for context, for for 262 00:29:50.860 --> 00:30:02.740 Benji Fisher: for everyone. This this page is is sort of fundamentally different from the other pages. The other pages were content, type, block type. and so on. This is 263 00:30:02.780 --> 00:30:07.029 Benji Fisher: not a type. This is adding a a bit of content, a a block. 264 00:30:09.280 --> 00:30:10.910 Benji Fisher: So it 265 00:30:13.610 --> 00:30:24.309 Benji Fisher: it needs a title and a body. And and has has anyone commented on when we got the term block description? Did that used to be title? Was it changed at some point? 266 00:30:25.290 --> 00:30:28.630 Ralf Koller: I've asked Stephen. 267 00:30:29.340 --> 00:30:34.049 Ralf Koller: few days ago, but haven't gotten answer yet, but I'll re ask. 268 00:30:34.490 --> 00:30:36.610 Ralf Koller: just ask for the history behind it. 269 00:30:36.790 --> 00:30:41.559 Benji Fisher: Yeah, certainly, with worth worth discussing on the issue. But it it should be a separate issue, I think. 270 00:30:42.060 --> 00:30:48.929 Simo Hellsten: Yeah, I think this might looks like something that where I, in some older version of drupal, might have seen 271 00:30:49.240 --> 00:30:50.910 Simo Hellsten: admissions tortiva 272 00:30:52.040 --> 00:30:57.489 Simo Hellsten: title. So it was in this kind of context, I think. But I'm not sure. 273 00:31:03.620 --> 00:31:08.270 Simo Hellsten: Okay, Ralph, is that enough discussion of this issue? I think. Yep. 274 00:31:10.120 --> 00:31:11.840 Simo Hellsten: over to the next one. 275 00:31:13.660 --> 00:31:29.840 Ralf Koller: The next issue is issue number 3076054. Error on single field without error. Message. it's an issue, Laurie added to today's issue. And 276 00:31:30.690 --> 00:31:32.960 Ralf Koller: currently it's back to a reload. 277 00:31:33.260 --> 00:31:42.649 Ralf Koller: The behavior is simply that I've created a content type with a plain text field and made the text field 278 00:31:42.860 --> 00:31:46.719 Ralf Koller: cardinality to unlimited and made the text feel required. 279 00:31:47.070 --> 00:31:53.540 Ralf Koller: let's make a test. and just save oops. 280 00:31:55.800 --> 00:31:59.209 Ralf Koller: Excel. No. yeah. Fill out the field. 281 00:32:01.140 --> 00:32:06.549 Ralf Koller: No. Wait 1 s. That's the wrong behavior. If I add, now add another item. 282 00:32:06.630 --> 00:32:11.000 Ralf Koller: I'm unable to. I get an error, and I have to. First. 283 00:32:13.010 --> 00:32:15.629 Ralf Koller: Then I'm allowed to add something else. 284 00:32:16.670 --> 00:32:21.299 Ralf Koller: That's the current behaviour. I quickly apply the patch again. 285 00:32:21.660 --> 00:32:27.740 Ralf Koller: Just wanted to demonstrate it. Demonstrate that current behavior 286 00:32:41.290 --> 00:32:42.020 perfect. 287 00:32:56.650 --> 00:32:58.500 Ralf Koller: Now. 288 00:32:59.030 --> 00:33:00.480 Ralf Koller: It's possible 289 00:33:02.550 --> 00:33:05.050 Ralf Koller: to add several 290 00:33:05.400 --> 00:33:11.279 Ralf Koller: empty fields. Now, for example, if you now save again, you get 291 00:33:11.840 --> 00:33:15.860 Ralf Koller: the HTMO. 5, form validation. Test. 292 00:33:16.410 --> 00:33:18.070 Ralf Koller: if and that's the 293 00:33:18.130 --> 00:33:28.279 Ralf Koller: and key detail. I have created 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 fields I got next to end and add, enter 294 00:33:28.290 --> 00:33:32.890 Ralf Koller: one value. But now I'm able to save it. and if I go back in 295 00:33:32.960 --> 00:33:39.739 Ralf Koller: 4 fields got pruned, and there's only one empty one and one 296 00:33:39.990 --> 00:33:42.090 Ralf Koller: field that is filled. 297 00:33:42.190 --> 00:33:43.920 Ralf Koller: Laurie 298 00:33:44.950 --> 00:33:47.020 Ralf Koller: posted in 299 00:33:48.200 --> 00:33:50.990 Ralf Koller: apologies for the scrolling. 300 00:33:51.270 --> 00:33:52.130 was it 301 00:33:56.100 --> 00:34:17.469 Ralf Koller: in 63? The question. I'm wondering if the currently proposed solution is right. Why are we validating the items when users add new new values when new values are added, the user is not actually submitting anything yet. So shouldn't we allow adding new values until they are actually submitted, submitting the form. This is at least the approach we took in. 302 00:34:17.480 --> 00:34:23.230 Ralf Koller: and he linked to issue number 2, 5, 2, 1, 8 O, 303 00:34:24.900 --> 00:34:30.279 Ralf Koller: let's the basic. a gist of the issue. And the question behind 304 00:34:31.780 --> 00:34:33.210 Ralf Koller: any questions. 305 00:34:41.480 --> 00:34:51.429 Cristina Chumillas: yeah, haven't. I've been trying to help that whole issue. And and we're doing having trouble because it's a long. 306 00:34:51.449 --> 00:34:52.810 Cristina Chumillas: mind-like 307 00:34:53.000 --> 00:35:00.270 Cristina Chumillas: kind of have like 308 00:35:00.910 --> 00:35:15.130 Cristina Chumillas: designed for inline messages. And I was working on that. And, my God! I was trying to understand what was going on and what what was actually needed, and I was like no idea so much 309 00:35:15.230 --> 00:35:21.840 Cristina Chumillas: it could be possible to have a super brave overview of the history of the problem that this is trying to solve. 310 00:35:27.420 --> 00:35:34.529 Benji Fisher: So I I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. Are you just saying that you think that the issue summary needs to be clearer? 311 00:35:35.050 --> 00:35:45.999 Cristina Chumillas: I'm not following the whole issue. I mean, I guess you all been on discussions about that before. But if you could give an overview of the 312 00:35:46.190 --> 00:35:49.260 Cristina Chumillas: the issue itself. a problem 313 00:35:49.970 --> 00:35:52.920 Cristina Chumillas: that is easy issues trying to solve. 314 00:35:53.910 --> 00:36:02.900 Benji Fisher: Okay? So you'd you'd like Ralph to go back to the top of the issue and and say what the problem is, and not just this particular question. 315 00:36:03.490 --> 00:36:04.930 Cristina Chumillas: Yeah, exactly that. 316 00:36:05.890 --> 00:36:10.590 Cristina Chumillas: like just an overview, not the need to go like 317 00:36:12.220 --> 00:36:14.100 Ralf Koller: I. 318 00:36:15.380 --> 00:36:20.619 Ralf Koller: I got aware of this issue also about an hour before the meeting. 319 00:36:20.650 --> 00:36:25.669 Ralf Koller: and I just skim through. But from my understanding, 320 00:36:25.890 --> 00:36:26.940 Ralf Koller: the basic 321 00:36:27.180 --> 00:36:33.369 Ralf Koller: problem is the following that basically. if a user, if if for a field 322 00:36:33.600 --> 00:36:40.319 Ralf Koller: you have the cardinality unlimited, and it is required. And then, if a user 323 00:36:40.630 --> 00:36:44.659 Ralf Koller: tries to add another item and hasn't 324 00:36:44.800 --> 00:36:57.360 Ralf Koller: added anything to the empty field before it's not possible. And from my understanding. 325 00:36:58.320 --> 00:37:01.760 Ralf Koller: It was considered confusing. 326 00:37:02.850 --> 00:37:03.880 Ralf Koller: that 327 00:37:05.040 --> 00:37:15.330 Ralf Koller: you directly run into an issue. And you're not able to simply add several items you plan to add 328 00:37:15.830 --> 00:37:19.230 Ralf Koller: to a note, and instead, you have 329 00:37:19.750 --> 00:37:27.100 Ralf Koller: first enter the first. enter the the content to it, then at the next, and that was the problem behind it. 330 00:37:29.320 --> 00:37:34.410 Simo Hellsten: So an actual use case would be something like want. And 331 00:37:34.580 --> 00:37:37.980 it, Alex somebody, some site builder, has a 332 00:37:38.270 --> 00:37:39.160 Simo Hellsten: out of a 333 00:37:39.540 --> 00:37:47.079 Simo Hellsten: text with all the options available, and then maybe 5 options, and then just clicks 5. Add 5 times that. 334 00:37:47.330 --> 00:37:55.519 Simo Hellsten: or actually 4 times, add another few, add another item and then copy pastes to the empty source that's already made 335 00:37:55.700 --> 00:37:56.510 Simo Hellsten: from that 336 00:37:56.710 --> 00:38:01.629 Simo Hellsten: from the other document. And that's kind of the quicker way to do it 337 00:38:01.730 --> 00:38:03.540 Simo Hellsten: than one by one. So it's 338 00:38:04.060 --> 00:38:10.960 Simo Hellsten: in a way, the process is a little bit different. So that's something that I've been doing myself in the past. 339 00:38:12.230 --> 00:38:15.979 Simo Hellsten: So it's kind of this different work allows for different workflows. 340 00:38:20.090 --> 00:38:20.980 Cristina Chumillas: Thanks. 341 00:38:23.570 --> 00:38:27.349 Benji Fisher: Yeah. I think I agree with with with Simo. I'm I'm sorry I was 342 00:38:28.650 --> 00:38:33.379 Benji Fisher: playing with my own copy of the site, so I didn't quite pay attention as I should have. 343 00:38:33.680 --> 00:38:35.849 Benji Fisher: But but you're you're saying that it. 344 00:38:35.980 --> 00:38:40.119 Benji Fisher: It is a useful work flow to be able to add a bunch of blank fields. Right? 345 00:38:41.270 --> 00:38:43.619 Simo Hellsten: Yes, I think it is. 346 00:38:43.940 --> 00:38:46.630 Benji Fisher: Yeah, that's that's that's what I was thinking, too. 347 00:38:47.100 --> 00:39:00.789 Simo Hellsten: where it can go wrong is when you have translations, and if the translations are not linked so that the order of the items can kind of mess things up like it did with that, like that old version of 348 00:39:01.010 --> 00:39:04.060 Simo Hellsten: now predefined lists. 349 00:39:04.430 --> 00:39:08.899 Simo Hellsten: But so it's just to be able to keep that order. 350 00:39:08.930 --> 00:39:12.500 Simo Hellsten: so that it's kind of doesn't mess up translations. Then it's fine. 351 00:39:20.530 --> 00:39:35.979 Benji Fisher: Okay? And and the current behavior is that clicking add another item generates an error. So is this issue saying that instead of doing that, we should allow the workflow that that Simo and I, 352 00:39:36.750 --> 00:39:37.930 Benji Fisher: we're thinking of. 353 00:39:39.290 --> 00:39:40.010 Ralf Koller: Yeah. 354 00:39:41.140 --> 00:39:43.850 Ralf Koller: it's basically the that you are able. 355 00:39:44.920 --> 00:39:49.600 Benji Fisher: Okay, this this is with the patch applied. Yep, that's with the patch applied. Okay. 356 00:39:52.790 --> 00:39:55.580 Simo Hellsten: what happens if you're with the patch, if you leave 357 00:39:55.660 --> 00:40:02.420 Simo Hellsten: like from the middle. You leave leave one empty and then click, save does it? Just skip that one and save that other 4 358 00:40:06.100 --> 00:40:07.390 Ralf Koller: you mean. 359 00:40:07.480 --> 00:40:10.099 Ralf Koller: enter something in the first, in the second. 360 00:40:10.920 --> 00:40:14.140 Simo Hellsten: Yeah, and leave one in the middle empty. 361 00:40:15.740 --> 00:40:20.349 Benji Fisher: And Christina in the chat says that she understands the issue now that's good. 362 00:40:20.950 --> 00:40:27.730 Ralf Koller: And it brings up the 1 point you brought up. Right before Semo. The order isn't kept. 363 00:40:28.390 --> 00:40:31.829 Ralf Koller: The empty field is now at the last position. 364 00:40:33.010 --> 00:40:36.370 Ralf Koller: While it was before in the third position. 365 00:40:40.690 --> 00:40:46.050 Simo Hellsten: That would be. It doesn't really explain it, I think, but usually just so that 366 00:40:46.070 --> 00:41:01.719 Simo Hellsten: it kind of saves like it keeps that once that had input and it always has one empty. Usually, if you, they used to have always one empty so that you don't need to click, add one if you want to add one more. So I think usually it always keeps one empty. 367 00:41:02.580 --> 00:41:05.640 Ralf Koller: Yeah, I think. Cmos, right. I agree. 368 00:41:07.320 --> 00:41:09.909 Benji Fisher: I mean. If if you were to leave 2 of them empty 369 00:41:10.800 --> 00:41:14.569 Ralf Koller: and submit the form, you'd still get one 370 00:41:14.630 --> 00:41:16.160 Benji Fisher: blank one at the end. 371 00:41:16.470 --> 00:41:22.270 Benji Fisher: So it's not that it's rearranging them. It's that it's removing any empties that you 372 00:41:22.530 --> 00:41:25.880 Benji Fisher: submitted. and then adding an empty at the end. 373 00:41:28.210 --> 00:41:29.330 Ralf Koller: But 374 00:41:31.710 --> 00:41:35.760 Ralf Koller: but I have one problem. Wh, why is it 375 00:41:39.720 --> 00:41:47.050 Ralf Koller: removing? Basically, if you have more than one empty field, why, those are just removed. 376 00:41:47.580 --> 00:41:56.920 Ralf Koller: Course. then the whole validation for an empty field is just skipped, and those empty fields are simply dropped. isn't it 377 00:42:01.580 --> 00:42:04.209 Benji Fisher: that that is how it seems to work. I don't 378 00:42:04.550 --> 00:42:06.660 Benji Fisher: see that as a problem. 379 00:42:11.450 --> 00:42:16.150 Ralf Koller: I'm not sure, because if the current behavior in air quotes is 380 00:42:16.610 --> 00:42:20.230 Ralf Koller: that you're not allowed to have an empty field at all 381 00:42:20.590 --> 00:42:23.200 Ralf Koller: now, simply dropping 382 00:42:24.200 --> 00:42:25.490 Ralf Koller: empty fields. 383 00:42:28.990 --> 00:42:31.490 Ralf Koller: I'm not sure, because basically. 384 00:42:31.590 --> 00:42:38.729 Ralf Koller: that could be the case you need like, for example, like Simo said, you need 5 options to something, and 385 00:42:39.350 --> 00:42:44.179 Ralf Koller: you clicked 5 times, though, that you have 5 fields. And now. 386 00:42:44.380 --> 00:42:51.589 Ralf Koller: by accident you forget the third one and just click save, and that way you end up with 4 fields 387 00:42:51.850 --> 00:43:04.299 Ralf Koller: and in 4 options instead of then, and instead of the necessary 5, and perhaps by accident, you don't notice, and that way you have. you know, one option, 2 short and one option short 388 00:43:04.720 --> 00:43:08.790 Ralf Koller: of the necessary 5 funds. So having at least one 389 00:43:09.790 --> 00:43:13.810 Ralf Koller: warning or notification, instead of simply 390 00:43:14.100 --> 00:43:15.969 Ralf Koller: dropping those empty ones. 391 00:43:18.810 --> 00:43:20.580 Ralf Koller: not sure might be 392 00:43:22.610 --> 00:43:23.350 Ralf Koller: helpful. 393 00:43:48.120 --> 00:43:53.769 Benji Fisher: You know this reminds me of something we were looking at a few weeks ago. 394 00:43:54.680 --> 00:44:02.049 Benji Fisher: Ralph, would you mind? At editing a content type and adding a 395 00:44:02.220 --> 00:44:03.740 Benji Fisher: select list. 396 00:44:09.820 --> 00:44:11.149 Benji Fisher: adding a field. 397 00:44:23.580 --> 00:44:26.399 Benji Fisher: So not under content, but under structure. Yeah. 398 00:44:45.480 --> 00:44:50.010 Benji Fisher: you could either edit the second one the difficulty, or or add a new field. 399 00:44:54.550 --> 00:44:55.800 Benji Fisher: So 400 00:44:57.840 --> 00:45:03.670 Benji Fisher: you know, click, click on the empty field. enter something, and then use tab navigation 401 00:45:11.110 --> 00:45:15.500 Benji Fisher: and get to add another item and enter there. 402 00:45:17.270 --> 00:45:20.810 Benji Fisher: Notice that the focus switched 403 00:45:21.720 --> 00:45:24.190 Benji Fisher: to where you want it to be. 404 00:45:24.400 --> 00:45:26.559 Benji Fisher: After clicking, add another item. 405 00:45:28.620 --> 00:45:31.180 Benji Fisher: I find that workflow 406 00:45:31.230 --> 00:45:39.640 Benji Fisher: pretty convenient. I think you you clicked with the cursor, but having tabbed there, you you could have hit, enter, or maybe space 407 00:45:40.940 --> 00:45:43.199 Benji Fisher: on the add another item, button. 408 00:45:45.440 --> 00:45:54.070 Benji Fisher: So this is a behavior we have. I think this is a fairly recent change, right? We talked about this a few weeks ago. 409 00:45:56.090 --> 00:45:58.560 Benji Fisher: and it would be nice if we could 410 00:46:00.040 --> 00:46:13.419 Benji Fisher: make this the the pattern elsewhere. And that's another alternative to the change proposed in this issue. Like, if the point of the issue is what Simo and I were thinking that 411 00:46:13.460 --> 00:46:16.230 Benji Fisher: it's convenient to go. Click, click, click. 412 00:46:16.710 --> 00:46:20.989 Benji Fisher: add the number of things we want, and then tab through and add them. 413 00:46:21.380 --> 00:46:31.160 Benji Fisher: This is about as convenient. I mean II would have to count to see how many tabs and and and clicks 414 00:46:31.260 --> 00:46:40.960 Benji Fisher: it requires with with one or the other. But but certainly an alternative is to have this same behavior on on the multiple fields. 415 00:47:49.410 --> 00:47:58.259 Benji Fisher: I'm hearing a stunning lack of opinions. If any one is trying to offer an opinion. You you forgot to unmute yourself. 416 00:48:07.210 --> 00:48:08.490 Benji Fisher: But 417 00:48:24.690 --> 00:48:26.110 Simo Hellsten: I'm thinking. That 418 00:48:26.340 --> 00:48:31.160 Simo Hellsten: if we need to keep it so that you can't add more more than one empty. 419 00:48:31.200 --> 00:48:38.289 Simo Hellsten: At least it shouldn't give that kind of a validation error. But it should just like 420 00:48:39.490 --> 00:48:40.800 Simo Hellsten: say that 421 00:48:40.830 --> 00:48:46.890 Simo Hellsten: you can't add more than one. So it should describe what what the problem pro problem is like. Maybe. 422 00:48:47.470 --> 00:48:50.739 Simo Hellsten: No, it's kind of getting too complicated. It may be true. 423 00:48:51.220 --> 00:48:56.120 Simo Hellsten: described it as you can't have more than one empty at the 1 one time. 424 00:49:04.690 --> 00:49:06.799 Benji Fisher: Oh, so you think that if 425 00:49:08.520 --> 00:49:13.889 Benji Fisher: in. you know, say, say I, with the current patch. 426 00:49:14.190 --> 00:49:26.990 Benji Fisher: Say II know that I need to add a bunch of terms. So II click, add another item 10 times, and I have 10 blanks, and then I start filling them in. And it seems that I only need 7 things. 427 00:49:27.820 --> 00:49:38.619 Benji Fisher: I think it's convenient in that situation to click, save and have my the 7 things that I entered saved. 428 00:49:39.860 --> 00:49:48.459 Benji Fisher: you are you? And I think you're saying that there should be a validation error at that point. And I have to click. Remove. 429 00:49:48.540 --> 00:49:52.849 Simo Hellsten: No, no, I think, yeah, no, I think not. Yeah. I was kind of 430 00:49:53.200 --> 00:49:54.720 Simo Hellsten: yeah, I wasn't thinking. 431 00:49:55.060 --> 00:49:59.430 Benji Fisher: okay, that is what you were suggesting, but I convinced you otherwise. Okay. 432 00:50:01.590 --> 00:50:09.380 Benji Fisher: So 433 00:50:15.850 --> 00:50:18.199 I think that there are 434 00:50:19.860 --> 00:50:24.380 Benji Fisher: 3 options. One is the current behavior 435 00:50:25.430 --> 00:50:31.300 Benji Fisher: without the patch. 2 is the behavior with the current patch. 436 00:50:32.820 --> 00:50:37.929 and 3 is the behavior that we already have when adding 437 00:50:38.200 --> 00:50:40.350 Benji Fisher: a select list. 438 00:50:42.130 --> 00:50:48.770 Benji Fisher: So the current behavior is that you're not allowed to add more than one blank. 439 00:50:49.520 --> 00:50:58.889 Benji Fisher: and that's what's described in the issue summary. And I think that if we stick with that, then then the issue summary is right. We we should add a message and not just 440 00:50:59.380 --> 00:51:00.900 Benji Fisher: highlight the field. 441 00:51:02.710 --> 00:51:07.130 Benji Fisher: I think the current. The behavior of the current patch 442 00:51:08.060 --> 00:51:09.280 Benji Fisher: is 443 00:51:09.380 --> 00:51:13.349 Benji Fisher: a reasonable alternative. And and as Simo and I said, That's 444 00:51:13.720 --> 00:51:17.080 Benji Fisher: yeah, that accommodates a workflow. 445 00:51:18.680 --> 00:51:24.160 And I think that changing the behavior to be more like the selection list 446 00:51:24.580 --> 00:51:27.330 Benji Fisher: is also a reasonable alternative. 447 00:51:32.910 --> 00:51:34.319 Benji Fisher: And 448 00:51:35.950 --> 00:51:40.730 Benji Fisher: it seems to me that all 3 are reasonable and 449 00:51:42.580 --> 00:51:45.070 Benji Fisher: and we're we're not choosing 450 00:51:45.170 --> 00:51:51.180 Benji Fisher: between 3 awful options we're choosing between 3 reasonable options. 451 00:51:51.300 --> 00:51:52.340 Benji Fisher: Go ahead, Ralph. 452 00:51:54.140 --> 00:51:57.570 Ralf Koller: I've quickly tested, as you can see. 453 00:51:59.220 --> 00:52:00.609 Ralf Koller: just for the keyboard. 454 00:52:00.920 --> 00:52:05.039 Ralf Koller: with a current patch that focus 455 00:52:05.100 --> 00:52:09.250 Ralf Koller: isn't working like on the select list like you 456 00:52:09.350 --> 00:52:12.090 Ralf Koller: illustrated before. And 457 00:52:14.200 --> 00:52:15.560 Ralf Koller: I think 458 00:52:16.650 --> 00:52:20.070 Ralf Koller: with a bit of thinking about in the first. 459 00:52:20.390 --> 00:52:27.709 Ralf Koller: in the first place that the ability to add several items at once in a row 460 00:52:27.810 --> 00:52:32.779 Ralf Koller: is sort of tempting and convenient, but in the long run. 461 00:52:34.360 --> 00:52:39.959 Ralf Koller: probably also problematic. Also in regards of that 462 00:52:40.490 --> 00:52:44.179 Ralf Koller: dropping empty fields and so forth, so 463 00:52:47.140 --> 00:52:52.480 Ralf Koller: applying a pattern that is used currently on the select fields. And 464 00:52:53.160 --> 00:52:56.290 Ralf Koller: as Simon said. 465 00:52:56.330 --> 00:53:01.070 Ralf Koller: signify in case, and the initial field is left empty. 466 00:53:01.250 --> 00:53:06.519 Ralf Koller: In some way, instead of just a plain red outline. 467 00:53:06.660 --> 00:53:08.280 Ralf Koller: Then 468 00:53:09.650 --> 00:53:12.810 Ralf Koller: I'm more leaning to the third option right now. 469 00:53:19.580 --> 00:53:23.919 Benji Fisher: Yeah, I think there's a lot to be said for having consistency. And and I guess 470 00:53:24.490 --> 00:53:32.539 Benji Fisher: 1 one of your points is that if there are a bunch of empties. 471 00:53:34.470 --> 00:53:40.330 Benji Fisher: and we submit the form. There might be different expectations about what should happen at that point. 472 00:53:41.340 --> 00:53:44.310 Benji Fisher: and having the consistent interface. 473 00:53:45.380 --> 00:53:47.560 Benji Fisher: May doesn't have that problem. 474 00:54:17.120 --> 00:54:18.919 Benji Fisher: and I guess, 475 00:54:21.900 --> 00:54:22.740 Benji Fisher: Ralph. 476 00:54:23.840 --> 00:54:25.209 Benji Fisher: are. Are you 477 00:54:25.490 --> 00:54:32.049 Benji Fisher: demonstrating a version with the merge request that was opened after Lowry asked that question. 478 00:54:33.860 --> 00:54:36.780 Ralf Koller: I have installed. 479 00:54:45.910 --> 00:54:50.630 Ralf Koller: Yeah, I have a March request 5, 1, 7, 6, installed 480 00:54:51.810 --> 00:54:55.909 Ralf Koller: the one by or Tortis, late quotes late. 481 00:54:56.160 --> 00:54:58.750 Benji Fisher: Goodow is late. 482 00:54:59.650 --> 00:55:01.120 Ralf Koller: Okay? 483 00:55:03.820 --> 00:55:12.089 Benji Fisher: And in in case anyone listening doesn't know the reference. That's a Samuel Beckett play waiting for Goodeau. 484 00:55:13.060 --> 00:55:14.650 Ralf Koller: No, I realized it. 485 00:55:15.640 --> 00:55:21.559 Cristina Chumillas: Oh, I have one question. The thing that loudly pointed on that message. 486 00:55:21.670 --> 00:55:35.710 Cristina Chumillas: So the pattern that we would be following here is the same, or is completed into completely different. because I am having hard time to like to grab up my mind around, like all the different options that are in there. 487 00:55:36.080 --> 00:55:42.059 seen, that I, not super sure, is like having different patterns or different behaviors? 488 00:55:42.740 --> 00:55:49.169 Cristina Chumillas: Are we doing something completely different, or is it being proposed? Something completely different from the 489 00:55:49.260 --> 00:55:50.980 Cristina Chumillas: he sure can point it out? 490 00:55:53.560 --> 00:55:55.429 Cristina Chumillas: Or do you even know 491 00:55:55.740 --> 00:55:58.729 Cristina Chumillas: what was proposed on the other issue. 492 00:56:01.290 --> 00:56:03.679 Cristina Chumillas: just to try to understand what's happening in 493 00:56:04.190 --> 00:56:06.500 Benji Fisher: posed on what other issue? 494 00:56:08.020 --> 00:56:11.010 Cristina Chumillas: So healing initial 495 00:56:11.110 --> 00:56:16.509 Cristina Chumillas: on his comments when he was saying that this is, Yeah, I'm here 496 00:56:19.570 --> 00:56:20.740 Cristina Chumillas: exactly. Yeah. 497 00:56:21.340 --> 00:56:22.110 Cristina Chumillas: Yes. 498 00:56:28.630 --> 00:56:34.230 Cristina Chumillas: So this is a very emerged thing. And if I'm already a decision making here. 499 00:56:35.050 --> 00:56:37.360 Benji Fisher: Oh, and and this is the issue that 500 00:56:37.780 --> 00:56:42.799 Benji Fisher: introduce the behavior that I was thinking of, and that Ralph demonstrated. 501 00:56:43.770 --> 00:56:49.840 Benji Fisher: So so Larry is is making exactly the same suggestion I was making that we be consistent with 502 00:56:50.700 --> 00:56:53.689 Benji Fisher: the user interface for a select list. 503 00:56:55.220 --> 00:56:56.130 Cristina Chumillas: Thanks. 504 00:57:29.730 --> 00:57:30.940 Benji Fisher: So 505 00:57:34.070 --> 00:57:48.950 Benji Fisher: I think we're we're coming around to agreeing with Lowry's comment in Number 63, that that we it would be good to be consistent with. The behavior for 506 00:57:50.120 --> 00:57:55.969 Benji Fisher: adding a adding options to a select list. So consistency is good 507 00:57:57.680 --> 00:57:58.720 Benji Fisher: that 508 00:58:01.090 --> 00:58:09.770 Benji Fisher: it it makes it fairly easy to add a lot of options just using keyboard navigation. 509 00:58:12.870 --> 00:58:14.829 Ralf Koller: I think people 510 00:58:14.880 --> 00:58:21.889 Benji Fisher: sometimes forget that that even cited users sometimes find keyboard navigation to be easier than than clicking. 511 00:58:22.050 --> 00:58:31.230 Benji Fisher: So like I I'm I'm a big fan of of tapping through when When it's consistent, I see Christina agrees with me. 512 00:58:32.100 --> 00:58:35.970 Benji Fisher: it! 513 00:58:37.360 --> 00:58:38.979 Benji Fisher: And Aaron agrees to 514 00:58:40.460 --> 00:58:44.370 Benji Fisher: I don't know it. It might be worth 515 00:58:44.440 --> 00:58:47.909 comparing. The 2 workflows, and seeing how many clicks does it take. 516 00:58:48.440 --> 00:58:54.680 Benji Fisher: and how many tabs does it take to to do it one way or the other? But 517 00:58:55.180 --> 00:58:59.700 Benji Fisher: But even if the the other proposal that 518 00:59:00.330 --> 00:59:05.539 Benji Fisher: the the merge request that Ralph has been demonstrating, even if that involves fewer tabs. 519 00:59:05.910 --> 00:59:16.600 Benji Fisher: That might not be worth the advantages of losing the advantages of consistency. So yeah, I think I think 520 00:59:18.380 --> 00:59:27.620 Benji Fisher: I think we have some consensus that that Larry's suggestion is right, and we should implement the same behavior that that was implemented in that issue for selection lists. 521 00:59:35.910 --> 00:59:37.559 Benji Fisher: I 522 00:59:37.590 --> 00:59:41.989 Benji Fisher: get a thumbs up from Christina. No one is objecting. 523 00:59:42.370 --> 00:59:46.950 Benji Fisher: If you're trying to objection. Object? You forgot to unmute yourself. Ralph gives a thumbs up. 524 00:59:47.600 --> 00:59:48.450 Benji Fisher: Okay. 525 00:59:53.460 --> 00:59:59.010 Benji Fisher: and Aaron gives a thumbs up, too. Okay, I call that consensus? 526 01:00:00.210 --> 01:00:11.000 Benji Fisher: so do we have a volunteer to leave a comment on this issue. I forgot to ask that on the first issue we looked at 527 01:00:11.550 --> 01:00:16.530 Benji Fisher: Ralph, took the trouble to present both issues. 528 01:00:17.490 --> 01:00:21.999 Ralf Koller: I can comment on the first issue. If someone else could do the second, then 529 01:00:23.190 --> 01:00:23.850 Benji Fisher: yeah. 530 01:00:23.960 --> 01:00:27.050 Benji Fisher: thanks that that would split up the the effort. 531 01:00:28.120 --> 01:00:31.360 Benji Fisher: Any volunteers? 532 01:00:34.280 --> 01:00:38.210 Benji Fisher: All right, then, then I'll I'll try to leave a comment on the second issue. 533 01:00:39.760 --> 01:00:42.469 and we're getting close to the end of the hour. 534 01:00:42.930 --> 01:00:53.059 Benji Fisher: I'd like to point out this week is when the alpha version of drupal 10.2 is supposed to be released. 535 01:00:53.450 --> 01:00:55.499 Benji Fisher: So it hasn't happened yet. 536 01:00:56.070 --> 01:01:00.190 Benji Fisher: at least last time I checked, which was not that long ago. 537 01:01:00.540 --> 01:01:02.970 Benji Fisher: so I expect it'll happen sometime today. 538 01:01:03.780 --> 01:01:07.769 Benji Fisher: any other comments before we quit. 539 01:01:12.610 --> 01:01:16.520 Aaron McHale: just a reminder that daily savings time 540 01:01:16.850 --> 01:01:19.310 Aaron McHale: people go out with it at different times. So 541 01:01:19.830 --> 01:01:26.499 Aaron McHale: this is like my first week. The meeting shifted 542 01:01:30.060 --> 01:01:39.589 Benji Fisher: right. Your your audio's a little garbled, but II think most of the world's for most of the northern hemisphere at least switched to standard time 543 01:01:40.100 --> 01:01:43.900 Benji Fisher: a little while ago. The Us. Which is 544 01:01:44.100 --> 01:01:51.109 Benji Fisher: this coming Sunday? And meeting is scheduled in in Utc. So 545 01:01:51.370 --> 01:01:54.829 Benji Fisher: Aaron had to wake up an hour earlier 546 01:01:54.880 --> 01:02:02.960 Benji Fisher: or had to join meeting an hour earlier. Today I will have to wake up an hour earlier next week. or or skip breakfast or something. 547 01:02:04.420 --> 01:02:13.209 Benji Fisher: But yep. thanks all for coming and I'll be back next week. Hope you can join again. 548 01:02:15.600 --> 01:02:17.190 Ralf Koller: Have a nice weekend. Everyone 549 01:02:17.690 --> 01:02:18.660 Cristina Chumillas: thanks all 550 01:02:22.270 --> 01:02:23.500 Simo Hellsten: thanks. Bye.