diff --git a/search_api.module b/search_api.module
index 2e9c844a..2b27a07b 100644
--- a/search_api.module
+++ b/search_api.module
@@ -661,7 +661,9 @@ function search_api_entity_extra_field_info() {
 function search_api_entity_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) {
   $excerpt_component = $display->getComponent('search_api_excerpt');
-  if ($excerpt_component !== NULL && isset($build['#search_api_excerpt'])) {
+  if ($excerpt_component !== NULL) {
+    $excerpt = $build['#search_api_excerpt'] ?? '';
+    $has_excerpt = strlen($excerpt) > 0;
     $build['search_api_excerpt'] = [
       '#theme' => 'search_api_excerpt',
       '#excerpt' => [
@@ -671,6 +673,29 @@ function search_api_entity_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityVi
       '#cache' => [
         'contexts' => ['url.query_args'],
+      '#markup' => $excerpt,
+      '#access' => $has_excerpt,
+    // In case the build array is cacheable, make sure that the excerpt is part
+    // of the cache keys.
+    if (!empty($build['#cache']['keys'])) {
+      // Use a relatively fast hash as the cache key.
+      $key = $has_excerpt ? md5($excerpt) : 'none';
+      $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
+      $renderer->addCacheableDependency($build, $key);
+    }
+    else {
+      // Otherwise, we can unfortunately only guess on what the excerpt depends.
+      // The GET parameters seem like a good guess, but it could be almost
+      // anything. Also, we invalidate the item's cache when a search index is
+      // edited, since that might enable/disable the "Highlight" processor or
+      // make other relevant changes. (We do not know at this point which search
+      // index produced this entity as a result, so we have to use the list
+      // cache tag for this.)
+      $build['search_api_excerpt']['#cache'] = [
+        'contexts' => ['url.query_args'],
+        'tags' => ['search_api_index_list'],
+      ];
+    }