Dummy Module xxxdummyxxx 6,7 7.x-3.x-dev active noinfo noinfo dev development test module test1,test2,test3 devel,core test4,test5,test6 "

Hello world

6.x-3.x-dev active optional forward dev development test module test1,test2,test3 devel,core test4,test5,test6 "

Hello world

6.x-2.0 supported optional portmajor stable development test module test1,test2,test3 devel,core test4,test5,test6 6.x-1.0 unsupported critical portmajor stable development test module test1,test2,test3 devel,core test4,test5,test6
Content Construction Kit (CCK) cck 4.7,5,6,7 7.x-2.x-dev active noinfo noinfo dev API data manipulation 6.x-3.x-dev active optional portforwardextras dev API data manipulation "You still need CCK for the Nodereference and Userreference field types, and to upgrade your fields to Drupal 7. There is an overall CCK to field upgrade path discussion. Contributed modules may use Field converter as dependency to properly upgrade their non-field data to fields. Custom programmed field type modules, which may be obsolete now, might be easier to upgrade using Migrate module." 6.x-2.x active critical portforwardextras dev API data manipulation "You still need CCK for the Nodereference and Userreference field types, and to upgrade your fields to Drupal 7. There is an overall CCK to field upgrade path discussion. Contributed modules may use Field converter as dependency to properly upgrade their non-field data to fields. Custom programmed field type modules, which may be obsolete now, might be easier to upgrade using Migrate module." 6.x-2.8 active critical portforwardextras stable API data manipulation "You still need CCK for the Nodereference and Userreference field types, and to upgrade your fields to Drupal 7. There is an overall CCK to field upgrade path discussion. Contributed modules may use Field converter as dependency to properly upgrade their non-field data to fields. Custom programmed field type modules, which may be obsolete now, might be easier to upgrade using Migrate module." 6.x-1.x-dev abandoned critical portmajor dev API data manipulation 6.x-1.0-alpha abandoned critical portmajor dev API data manipulation 5.x-1.x-dev supported critical portforward dev API data manipulation 5.x-1.12 supported critical portforward stable API data manipulation 4.7.x-1.x-dev unsupported critical portforward dev API data manipulation 4.7.x-1.6-1 unsupported critical portforward stable API data manipulation