ERROR: relation "variable" does not exist at character 19 STATEMENT: SELECT value FROM variable WHERE name = 'install_task' ERROR: relation "cache_config" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache_config WHERE cid IN ('system.module') ERROR: relation "cache_config" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache_config cache_config WHERE ( (cid = 'system.module') ) ERROR: relation "cache" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache WHERE cid IN ('entity_info:en') ERROR: relation "cache" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache cache WHERE ( (cid = 'entity_info:en') ) ERROR: relation "cache_bootstrap" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_bootstrap WHERE (cid IN ('system_list')) ERROR: relation "cache_bootstrap" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_bootstrap WHERE (cid IN ('variables')) ERROR: relation "cache_bootstrap" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache_bootstrap WHERE cid IN ('variables') ERROR: relation "cache_bootstrap" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache_bootstrap cache_bootstrap WHERE ( (cid = 'variables') ) ERROR: relation "cache_views_info" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_info ERROR: relation "cache_views_info" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache_views_info WHERE cid IN ('views:display') ERROR: relation "cache_views_info" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache_views_info cache_views_info WHERE ( (cid = 'views:display') ) ERROR: relation "cache_field" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache_field WHERE cid IN ('field_info:fields') ERROR: relation "cache_field" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache_field cache_field WHERE ( (cid = 'field_info:fields') ) ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_block WHERE (cid IN ('block_plugins:en')) ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 102 STATEMENT: SELECT cid, data, created, expire, serialized, tags, checksum_invalidations, checksum_deletions FROM cache_block WHERE cid IN ('block_plugins:en') ERROR: relation "cache_block" does not exist at character 30 STATEMENT: SELECT 1 AS expression FROM cache_block cache_block WHERE ( (cid = 'block_plugins:en') ) ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_page" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_page ERROR: relation "cache_path" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_path ERROR: relation "cache_filter" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_filter ERROR: relation "cache_toolbar" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_toolbar ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_page" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_page ERROR: relation "cache_path" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_path ERROR: relation "cache_filter" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_filter ERROR: relation "cache_toolbar" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_toolbar ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist STATEMENT: TRUNCATE cache_views_results ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 50 STATEMENT: SAVEPOINT mimic_innodb_not_released; DELETE FROM cache_menu ERROR: relation "cache_menu" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_menu WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568') ERROR: relation "cache_page" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_page WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568') ERROR: relation "cache_path" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_path WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568') ERROR: relation "cache_filter" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_filter WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568') ERROR: relation "cache_toolbar" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_toolbar WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568') ERROR: relation "cache_views_results" does not exist at character 13 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM cache_views_results WHERE (expire <> '0') AND (expire < '1371570568')