@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
11.0.x / 11.0.0 23-Apr-2024 Calling \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration::getMigrationDependencies with the expand parameter is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Apr-2024 New FileUploadLocationTrait added to remove duplication
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Apr-2024 Sites can programmatically opt in to accept more image type uploads in CKEditor 5
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Apr-2024 EntityRepository no longer uses plugin contexts
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Apr-2024 \Drupal\user\Plugin\views\filter\Roles requires a new argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Apr-2024 The Config migration destination now requires the typed config manager
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Mar-2024 The SDC experimental module is now stable and merged into core
10.3.x / 10.3.0 22-Mar-2024 \Drupal\media\Plugin\media\Source\OEmbed::getLocalThumbnailUri() requires a new argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 18-Mar-2024 "taxonomy_index_tid_depth" and "taxonomy" ViewsArgumentPlugin no longer accepts EntityStorageInterface in __construct() arguments
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Mar-2024 \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable and \Drupal\views\ViewExecutableFactory constructor requires \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.views.display')
10.3.x / 10.3.0 15-Mar-2024 JS APIs for the text format/editor config UI deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Mar-2024 UnpublishByKeyword and AssignOwnerNode action plugins are moved to Action UI module
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 Field blocks are only exposed for bundles that have Layout Builder enabled
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Mar-2024 UserLoginBlock and ActionListBuilder constructors require $formBuilder argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Mar-2024 Classes using operators() when extending \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\FilterPluginBase must implement FilterOperatorsInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 The method \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getName($module) has been deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 Plugins converted from Annotations to Attributes in 10.3.0
10.3.x / 10.3.0 02-Mar-2024 New method getLabel() on FieldItemDataDefinition
10.3.x / 10.3.0 01-Mar-2024 Vendor Hardening Composer plugin can remove individual files
10.3.x / 10.3.0 01-Mar-2024 MigrateSkipProcessException is deprecated
11.0.x / 11.0.0 28-Feb-2024 Plugin classes now require a $time parameter of type \Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface as last parameter in their __construct method
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Feb-2024 Migration process plugins no longer lookup against hardcoded migration IDs
10.3.x / 10.3.0 26-Feb-2024 New config schema type: bytes
10.3.x / 10.3.0 17-Feb-2024 The sub_process process plugin catches MigrateSkipRowException exceptions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Feb-2024 Filter settings config schema types in core fixed — contrib/custom modules should do the same
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Jan-2024 DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator implements CachedDiscoveryInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 12-Jan-2024 Migrate process plugin can now stop the process pipeline after they run
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Dec-2023 \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManagerInterface has a new method: getEntityTypeUiDefinitions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Dec-2023 DefaultSingleLazyPluginCollection::setConfiguration() no longer accepts non-array arguments
10.3.x / 10.3.0 10-Dec-2023 BulkForm now takes the current route match service as a constructor argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 13-Nov-2023 Duplicate code for parsing a filename from the content-disposition header for file uploads is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 13-Nov-2023 Duplicated input stream file writing logic from REST and JSON API is deprecated and replaced with a service
10.2.x / 10.2.0 27-Oct-2023 Plugin implementations should use PHP attributes instead of annotations
10.2.x / 10.2.0 27-Oct-2023 Plugin types should use PHP attributes instead of annotations
10.2.x / 10.2.0 20-Oct-2023 Symfony mailer component added as a composer dependency
10.2.x / 10.2.0 17-Oct-2023 The Experimental Help Topics is replaced by Help module
10.2.x / 10.2.0 11-Oct-2023 CKEditor 5 now offers "Show Blocks" functionality
10.1.x / 10.1.0 18-Sep-2023 \Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\migrate\process\ForumVocabulary is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 31-Aug-2023 Field and Field Storage config entities now don't get saved until after the last step in the field creation workflow
10.2.x / 10.2.0 31-Aug-2023 New filename sanitization settings during upload (via UI or REST), new sanitization Event, changes to FileUploadResource constructor
10.2.x / 10.2.0 25-Aug-2023 Field settings are now also normalized on field creation
10.2.x / 10.2.0-alpha1 18-Aug-2023 \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManager::getGroupedDefinitions has a new parameter for choosing label for categories
10.1.x / 10.1.3 11-Aug-2023 CKEditor 5 updated to version 39, now supports empty inline elements, for inline icons such as Fontawesome
10.2.x / 10.2.0 29-Jul-2023 Blocks can be displayed or hidden according to a 200, 403 or 404 response
10.2.x / 10.2.0 28-Jul-2023 Forms can now ignore destination parameter
10.2.x / 10.2.0 26-Jul-2023 SchemaCheckTrait::checkConfigSchema() now checks config schema strictly, including validation constraints — affects most tests
10.2.x / 10.2.0 24-Jul-2023 New decimal primitive data type added
10.2.x / 10.2.0 23-Jul-2023 ListItemBase::extractAllowedValues now takes array as its first argument
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManager::__construct now requires FieldTypeCategoryManagerInterface
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 New API for defining field type categories


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