@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
9.5.x / 9.5.0 10-Jul-2022 Drupal core will warn if a mysql database is not using READ COMMITTED isolation level.
9.4.x / 9.4.4 09-Jul-2022 Drupal no longer 'replaces' composer namespaces for core modules
9.5.x / 9.5.0 09-Jul-2022 Drupal::RECOMMENDED_PHP increased to PHP 8.1.6
9.3.x / 9.3.18 07-Jul-2022 Composer 2.2+ Authorized Plugins
10.0.x / 10.0.0 01-Jul-2022 Drupal 10 requires composer 2.3.5 or higher
9.4.x / 9.4.0 28-Jun-2022 core/jquery.form library deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.2 23-Jun-2022 Drupal\layout_builder\QuickEditIntegration is deprecated
10.0.x / 10.0.0 22-Jun-2022 The 'core' key is completely ignored in .info.yml files.
10.0.x / 10.0.0 17-Jun-2022 Symfony 6.1 PHPUnitBridge ignoreFile option implemented
9.5.x / 9.5.0 17-Jun-2022 Drupal\editor\Ajax\GetUntransformedTextCommand and Drupal\image\editor\InPlaceEditor\Editor are deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-Jun-2022 yarn build:js and watch:js are deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-Jun-2022 New methods on WebAssert and JsWebAssert for asserting status messages
9.3.x / 9.3.10 16-Jun-2022 CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginInterface::mapCKEditor4ToolbarButtonToCKEditor5ToolbarItem() was made more capable
9.4.x / 9.4.0-alpha1 16-Jun-2022 User form cancel button element changed to link element.
9.4.x / 9.4.0-alpha1 16-Jun-2022 Added isObsolete() to Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-Jun-2022 drupal_required_modules() has been deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-Jun-2022 Stylelint 14 is used for CSS linting
10.0.x / 10.0.0 16-Jun-2022 Update code that implements \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface due to Psr/Log version 3
9.4.x / 9.4.0 13-Jun-2022 The drupal/core-recommended package now allows patch-level updates
9.4.x / 9.4.0 13-Jun-2022 Module Uninstall Validators are run during configuration import validation
9.5.x / 9.5.0 10-Jun-2022 Syndicate block title reflected to output block title
10.0.x / 10.0.0 10-Jun-2022 UC Browser (non webview version) is no longer supported
9.4.x / 9.4.0 09-Jun-2022 Maintenance mode theme change for autoupdates
9.3.x / 9.3.17 06-Jun-2022 CKEditor 5 plugin definitions must explicitly indicate which tags they can create
9.4.x / 9.4.0 30-May-2022 Contextual JS API is now internal
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 Editing a comment in D7 no longer changes the creation date
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7 adds a "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" header to cached page responses
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7's Field API now supports entity ids that are strings (the entity system already did)
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7 no longer accepts trailing dots in entity_ids which may affect some URLs
9.4.x / 9.4.0 27-May-2022 \Drupal\image\Controller\QuickEditImageController and \Drupal\image\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\Image are deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 27-May-2022 image/quickedit.inPlaceEditor.image library deprecated
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 CSRF token added to admin/reports/status/run-cron in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 Added PHP 8 support to .htaccess files in Drupal 7
9.4.x / 9.4.0 26-May-2022 \Drupal::MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PHP is deprecated in favor of a dynamic method
9.4.x / 9.4.0 24-May-2022 Re-wording of initial installation welcome text
9.4.x / 9.4.0 23-May-2022 New function Token::replacePlain()
9.4.x / 9.4.0 23-May-2022 Color module is deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 19-May-2022 Drupal 9 sites are able install Guzzle 6 or 7
9.4.x / 9.4.0 19-May-2022 Drupal minor version end-of-life dates updated for Drupal 9
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-May-2022 New permission: 'View update notifications'
10.0.x / 10.0.0 16-May-2022 Entity range validator yields more accurate violation information
9.4.x / 9.4.0 12-May-2022 CKEditor 5 alignment now available via toolbar dropdown only
9.4.x / 9.4.0 12-May-2022 Modernizr touchevents test deprecated
9.4.x / 9.4.0 12-May-2022 Some templates and associated code removed from starterkit
9.4.x / 9.4.0 12-May-2022 Post update registry supports themes
9.4.x / 9.4.0 12-May-2022 Themes support post update functions
9.4.x / 9.4.0 11-May-2022 API for starterkit themes to post process generated theme
9.4.x / 9.4.0 10-May-2022 \Drupal\system\Theme\DbUpdateNegotiator now requires the ThemeHandler
9.4.x / 9.4.0 09-May-2022 New "Manage permissions" tab after "Manage display"
9.4.x / 9.4.0 03-May-2022 FilterInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() returning a "forbidden_tags" key is deprecated


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