Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.x-4.x 03-Jun-2015 hook_flag_reset() has been replaced with the FLAG_RESET event
8.x-4.x 27-Apr-2015 Flag count API functions replaced with flag.count service methods
8.x-4.x 12-Apr-2015 flag_flag() and flag_unflag() replaced with FlagService methods flag() and unflag() methods
8.x-4.x 09-Apr-2015 hook_flag_alter() is no longer needed on D8.
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.4 04-Mar-2014 Some Flag API functions now return up-to-date data when called from hook implementations or Rules during a flagging process
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.4 09-Feb-2014 Flag-related tokens on entity types that are flagged now require Token module
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.3 26-Jan-2014 Parameter for $flag has been added to hook_flag_javascript_info_alter()
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.0-beta1 14-May-2013 handling of return value from hook_flag_access() has changed
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.0-beta1 12-May-2013 Optional variables have been removed from $flag->theme()
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.0-beta1 09-May-2013 Flag links can be set to appear per view mode
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.0-beta1 09-Dec-2012 Flag template has new suggestion for link type
7.x-3.x / 7.x-3.0-alpha4 01-Nov-2012 Flag link classes changed on 'unflag denied' non-links
7.x-3.x 09-Sep-2012 Flag API version changed to 3
7.x-3.x 30-Aug-2012 flag_get_flagged_content() renamed to flag_get_flag_flagging_data()
7.x-3.x 17-Aug-2012 hook_flag_unflag() and unflagging events are invoked before flagging is deleted
7.x-3.x 16-Aug-2012 hook_flag() has been split into hook_flag_flag() and hook_flag_unflag(); added flagging parameter
7.x-3.x 16-Aug-2012 'provides form' property added to hook_flag_link_type_info()
7.x-3.x 11-Aug-2012 Flag roles have been replaced with standard user permissions
7.x-3.x 10-Aug-2012 Rules events are invoked after hook_flag_flag/unflag()
7.x-3.x 09-Aug-2012 hook_flag_definitions() and hook_flag_link_types() renamed
7.x-3.x 08-Aug-2012 factory_by_content_type() renamed to factory_by_entity_type()
7.x-3.x 08-Aug-2012 Flag methods renamed: get_content_id(), applies_to_content_object()
7.x-3.x 08-Aug-2012 Database columns 'content_type' and 'content_id' renamed to 'entity_type' and 'entity_id'
7.x-3.x 08-Aug-2012 Flag property $flag->content_type changed to $flag->entity_type
7.x-3.x 08-Aug-2012 {flags} and {flag_content} tables renamed to {flag} and {flagging}
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