@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Feb-2024 The "link to any page" permission is no longer required to administer menu links for routes they cannot access
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Feb-2024 ConfigExists constraint now has a `prefix` option
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Feb-2024 Migration process plugins no longer lookup against hardcoded migration IDs
10.2.x / 10.2.4 28-Feb-2024 Computed fields can now bubble cache metadata in rendered output via their item lists
10.3.x / 10.3.0 26-Feb-2024 Vocabularies' `description` field can no longer be an empty string
10.3.x / 10.3.0 26-Feb-2024 New config schema type: bytes
10.3.x / 10.3.0 26-Feb-2024 The Logger argument is removed from FileSystem constructor
11.0.x / 11.0.0 23-Feb-2024 Backwards compatibility layer for views UI CSS classes moved to Stable9
10.3.x / 10.3.0 21-Feb-2024 The Forum module is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 18-Feb-2024 file_icon_class() and file_icon_map() are deprecated and replaced with a utility class
10.3.x / 10.3.0 18-Feb-2024 Replace FileUploadHandler::loadByUri() with FileRepositoryInterface::loadByUri()
10.3.x / 10.3.0 17-Feb-2024 The sub_process process plugin catches MigrateSkipRowException exceptions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Feb-2024 Several classes now require the datetime.time service as a constructor parameter
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Feb-2024 All shipped image styles include webp conversion
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Feb-2024 PHPUnit data provider methods should be declared static
10.3.x / 10.3.0 12-Feb-2024 ClassResolver and EntityTypeManager now require the service container as a constructor parameter instead of setting it using setContainer()
10.3.x / 10.3.0 09-Feb-2024 Taxonomy now provides a UI for viewing, reverting and deleting revisions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 06-Feb-2024 Added event for database statement execution failure
10.3.x / 10.3.0 06-Feb-2024 StatementPrefetchIterator::throwPDOException() is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 06-Feb-2024 The database cache backend supports specifying a serializer
10.3.x / 10.3.0 06-Feb-2024 The serializer service is passed as new parameter to DatabaseBackendFactory and DatabaseBackend constructors
10.3.x / 10.3.0 06-Feb-2024 ObjectAwareSerializationInterface is introduced for serializers that can serialize and deserialize PHP objects
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Feb-2024 Filter settings config schema types in core fixed — contrib/custom modules should do the same
10.3.x / 10.3.0 02-Feb-2024 '@requires module' test annotation is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.3 02-Feb-2024 Help topics heading structure changed to met WCAG 2.0
10.3.x / 10.3.0 01-Feb-2024 UserAuthenticationController::LOGGED_IN and ::LOGGED_OUT are now strings
10.3.x / 10.3.0 31-Jan-2024 File uploads via REST and JSON:API now ensure the filename property matches the file name on disk
10.3.x / 10.3.0 31-Jan-2024 TypedConfigManager::resolveDynamicTypeName() and ::resolveExpression() are deprecated and moved to TypeResolver
10.3.x / 10.3.0 31-Jan-2024 New "EntityBundleExists" validation constraint
10.3.x / 10.3.0 30-Jan-2024 Destructable services can now be destructed on page cache hits
10.3.x / 10.3.0 26-Jan-2024 New hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view_mode_alter() hook added.
10.2.x / 10.2.0 22-Jan-2024 \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ContextProvidersPass is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 22-Jan-2024 views_ui_truncate() is deprecated.
10.3.x / 10.3.0 19-Jan-2024 Parsing of extension's .info.yml files is cached in the FileCache
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Jan-2024 DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator implements CachedDiscoveryInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 15-Jan-2024 StreamWrapperManager uses a service locator to find stream wrapper services
10.3.x / 10.3.0 15-Jan-2024 Node views argument is now available when previewing content
10.3.x / 10.3.0 12-Jan-2024 Migrate process plugin can now stop the process pipeline after they run
10.3.x / 10.3.0 12-Jan-2024 ImageStyleDownloadController::deliver() now takes a string of the expected scheme for derivatives as a required parameter
10.2.x / 10.2.3 09-Jan-2024 New traits for modifying language configuration during testing
10.3.x / 10.3.0 09-Jan-2024 Passing a ControllerResolverInterface to \Drupal\user\PermissionHandler constructor is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.3 08-Jan-2024 user_pass_rehash() hash calculation now separates parameter values
10.3.x / 10.3.0 08-Jan-2024 Classes inheriting from SessionHandler must add return types
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Jan-2024 New option to set the heading level of full and mini pagers in views
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Jan-2024 Drupal dependency injection container dumper now supports iterator arguments for service definitions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Jan-2024 Node access data now is joined to the correct table
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Jan-2024 Stricter validation for config schema types is available
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Dec-2023 Links to the current-page now include an aria-current=page attribute
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Dec-2023 The path alias path processor is now registered in kernel tests
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Dec-2023 A session is now present on every request


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