Grant or restrict access to content, assets, or site functionality, or extend the authentication/login process.

Hybrid Login

This module is designed to generate a custom login block for use on the Drupal user login page.

Microsoft Entra sync

Overview pages showing two syncronisations

Module that allows you to connect to a Microsoft Graph API for your tenants, and import users from Microsoft Entra ID

Content Freeze

A module that allows administrators to freeze content editing based on their requirements.


Easy to use and compatible with Drupal 10.

Content Access by Path

Content Access by Path

This module allows you to set restrictions - by path - on what parts of your website users can edit. E.g.

Registration Limit

The Registration Limit module limits/blocks registration of new user accounts
when the user's IP address was recently used in former logins to existing

Simple OAuth Enhanced Errors

The Simple OAuth Enhanced Errors module enhances error messages in responses
from the Simple OAuth module to better indicate the user what went wrong.


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