wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.8

Bug fixes

No functionality changes, just code cleanup to match D8 coding standards:

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Fixes #2618422: Wysiwyg Linebreaks no longer applying changes in Drupal 8 HEAD, and fulfills the #D8CX promise: this module has a stable, full Drupal 8 release on the Drupal 8.0.0 release day!

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.6-beta11

Bug fixes

New release to keep up with the ever-changing target that is Drupal 8 core. Hopefully this version of the module is nearly complete; the Drupal 8 beta is just around the corner, and most APIs have been solidified to the point I think this module will see little—if any—further changes related to D8-specific implementation.

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.6-beta6

Bug fixes

One simple bug fix (#2117721: Fix class name in test file), but releasing a new version to coincide with D7/D6 versions, and to track Drupal 8.x-alpha6.

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.5-beta4

Bug fixes

This version of Wysiwyg Linebreaks works with Drupal 8.x-alpha4, but requires a patch to work correctly with CKEditor, since a bug was introduced in alpha4. Please apply the patch here to get Linebreaks working: #2117687-2: CKEditor Plugin settings vertical tab not showing when isEnabled() is set to TRUE.

Fixes in this update:

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.5-beta3

New features

Beta release of Wysiwyg Linebreaks for Drupal 8. Please see the project page for installation and usage instructions. The configuration for Drupal 8 is slightly different than Drupal 6/7, since core now includes CKEditor and the Editor module (yay!).

wysiwyg_linebreaks 8.x-1.5-beta2

New features

First beta release of Wysiwyg Linebreaks for Drupal 8. Please see the project page for installation and usage instructions. The configuration for Drupal 8 is slightly different than Drupal 6/7, since core now includes CKEditor and the Editor module (yay!).

wysiwyg_linebreaks 7.x-1.1

Initial release for Drupal 7. Sorry about the 1.1 string... couldn't be avoided, due to CVS irregularities!

wysiwyg_linebreaks 6.x-1.x-dev

Initial release of module. I'm sure there are a few bugs in here. Let's get 'em worked out!

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