Right now there is only a save button. That save button on content types managed by Maestro means that when it is saved, the content type task is automatically removed from the user's task console.

We need the ability to have a "Save and continue later" type button.

I have this change working in offline testing right now bound to an SQL Server instance that needs more testing before I put this in to a future maestro revision.


developerweeks’s picture

How I solved this is to make the save button not have 'completeonsubmit' so saves work like normal. Then I registered with hook_menu the maestro_advance function to the path node/nid/qid/advance, and made a button in the node's inline links to advance the workflow when it was complete.

I know this question is almost 2 years old, and my solution from a year ago, but I just found this post so I figure other will too.