In the D6 version you could adjust the position/weight of the Page Title field when editing the CCK fields of a content type. This ability was very useful, as I could sort and group the input fields so the end user could move from a section for SEO to navigation then to the visible content and so forth.

I did not find this ability in the D7 version, however I could have missed it. If it is not there the addition of this ability would be a great help.

Thank you!


spidersilk’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Yes, this would be a very useful ability to have - I have a client who is specifically requesting it now. The other SEO-related fields are gathered together in a fieldgroup on the node editing page for ease of editing, and it's annoying that Page Title can't be put in there. It doesn't seem to be a field in the normal D7 sense...

I guess the closest way to approximate this would be to create an alternate page title fields, and then use it as a token in a page title pattern, while hiding the actual page title field? Of course, that would be easier if the client hadn't already entered a whole bunch of page titles...