I love the gmap_location module. I've just started using it, but I noticed one rather significant annoyance with it... When using the gmap block, none of the markers have any kind of clickable feedback... I admit that having a map with markers is nice, but it would be better to be able to get some kind of feedback from clicking on them.

For a quick & dirty fix to getting some sort of response out of 'em... I propose that we at least throw the user at google-maps. A quick & simple way of doing this is here:

in gmap_location.module on line 689, simply add an additional line with the following:

  'link' => url(location_map_link($loc)),

so the block would look like this:

        $markers[] = array(
          'latitude' => $loc['latitude'],
          'longitude' => $loc['longitude'],
          'markername' => $markername,
          'offset' => $count-1,
          'opts' => array('title' => $markertitle),
          'link' => url(location_map_link($loc)),

I also have a ticket in with the location team trying to get the map-link cleaned up a bit to present a much nicer looking search-result... but that's another subject.

Ultimately, I realize this won't suit everyone's needs, but it works quite well for what I need. It would be nice to add an option for each location to choose where the link goes, or perhaps additional configuration options for the block-view to choose what the link does.


TheCompWiz’s picture

OOppppsss! ... sorry used the wrong location function... the non-country-specific/non-provider-specific one unfortunately produces an actual "a href" element... rather than just the needed URL.

the link should point to the location_map_link_XX_google($loc).... XX should be country specific... in my case... XX is us.


        $markers[] = array(
          'latitude' => $loc['latitude'],
          'longitude' => $loc['longitude'],
          'markername' => $markername,
          'offset' => $count-1,
          'opts' => array('title' => $markertitle),
          'link' => url(location_map_link_us_google($loc)),

I realized I made the typo just after I clicked the button.

If anyone is interested in my proposed cleanup for location... you can view it here: http://drupal.org/node/1051150