screen grab

We attached the like flag to a couple of the heartbeat templates at

while the like buttons are showing up and do seem functional, only the person that liked something can see that they liked it.. admin liked a post, styol cant see that he liked it.. both can see what they themselves liked though


Stalski’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

That is correct. This is on the TODO list.
Feel free to post a patch for this. I'll be happy to put it in.

The plan for now was to finish drupal7 stable and backport that piece into drupal6

vishun’s picture

Here is what I came up with for heartbeat-message-row.tpl.php -- there is probably room for improvement but its a decent start. Don't forget to change out 'hb_like' for the machine-readable name of the flag.

          // anonymous isnt allowed to flag, only output for logged in users
          if ($user->uid!=0) {
            print ' <small>&bull;</small> '.flag_create_link('hb_like', $message->uaid);
          // get a list of who flagged this item
          $who = flag_get_content_flags('heartbeat_message',$message->uaid);
          if (isset($who)) {
            $wholiked = array();
            $likers = null;
            // build username links
            foreach ($who as $key => $value) {
              $name = user_load($key)->name;
              $wholiked[]['view'] = '<a href="/user/'.$key.'">'.$name.'</a>';
            // deal with multiple users, comma's, and and's
            $count = count($wholiked);
            if ($count==2) {
              $wholiked[0]['comma'] = ' and ';
            } else if ($count>2) {
              foreach ($wholiked as $key => $value) { 
                $wholiked[$key]['comma'] = ', ';
              $wholiked[$count-2]['comma'] = ' and ';
              $wholiked[$count-1]['comma'] = '';
            foreach ($wholiked as $wl) {
              $likers = $wl['view'].$wl['comma'];
            // appended label
            $likers .= ' liked this';
Stalski’s picture

Status: Postponed » Closed (won't fix)

This won't be included anymore in drupal6. In drupal7 there is system that produces button AND attachment for the flags on activity.

Thank you for the code, I think it still can help others wanting something like that. I also admit that the flag implementation within heartbeat for drupal6 is not mature enough.

marinex’s picture

@vishun Hi I look at your solution, it nice results, but you have bug in:

            foreach ($wholiked as $wl) {
              $likers = $wl['view'].$wl['comma'];

there should be .= operator so:

            foreach ($wholiked as $wl) {
              $likers .= $wl['view'].$wl['comma'];

For others, good place for this snippet is in the heartbeat-message-row.tpl.php after first:

<br class="clearfix" />

If you enable your custom flag on your template settings page maybe you need to comment this:

          // anonymous isnt allowed to flag, only output for logged in users
          //if ($user->uid!=0) {
          //  print ' <small>&bull;</small> '.flag_create_link('hb_like', $message->uaid);

otherwise you will be have twice same flag.

And you dont forget print your result:

print '<div class="likers">' . $likers . '</div>';