These instructions apply to both 7.x.2 and 7.x.3; you may upgrade directly to either version.

If you are upgrading from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 and use the contributed Domain Access module (, please follow these upgrade instructions.

To upgrade Domain Access from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, you should follow Drupal's guide (found in the core UPGRADE.txt file in Drupal's root directory.)

When upgrading, follow the additional steps below to ensure that the required changes for Domain Access do not interfere with Drupal's update process.

-- Remove the Domain Access include line from settings.php.

   * Add the domain module setup routine.
  include './sites/all/modules/domain/';

See the Domain Access INSTALL.txt for more information about this code.

-- Update Drupal, following the process described in the core UPGRADE.txt. This step includes disabling (but not uninstalling) all Domain Access modules before you continue.

-- Download Domain Access for Drupal 7.

-- Run the database update script. This step will make the necessary changes that update Domain Access for Drupal 7.

-- Enable the Domain Access module.

-- Add the Domain Access settings line back to settings.php. Be sure to include these lines _below_ the database configuration information. (The Drupal update may place the new $databases array at the bottom of settings.php.)

     * Add the domain module setup routine.
    include DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/all/modules/domain/';

Refer to the Domain Access INSTALL.txt for information about the new syntax for the Domain Access include.

-- If prompted, rebuild content access permissions.

-- Enable Domain submodules (if desired).

You should now be ready to use your Drupal 7 site.