I was about to start trying to develop an Events module when I found one already started. Now, there are a couple items that I'd like to ask about:

  1. Is there any way to delete images?
  2. Will this have a link to the Images Module, someday?
  3. Are there any plans to add other type of events?

Let me explain better what I mean in #3. I'm working on a family website, and one of the goals in my list, is to be able to see and plan all kind of events on-line. So, what I meant about by other type of events, is, more fexibility on the dates.


Family Reunions - One specific date


Birthdays - Once a year, always same date.

Anniversaries - Same as BDays

Vacation Planning - Range of dates

Family reunions - All sort of weird date math:

  • Go see grandpa every month, on the 12th.

  • Cousins outing, every other week, on Sat.

  • Call mom, long distance, every 10 days.

  • etc. etc.

I'll try to start looking to see if I can help with any of this, some dates are easy, some are not as easy. Besides, I'm totally new to Drupal, I've been only using it for 2 weeks.
Hey, 2 weeks and I already have my site up and running, and mostly translated!!

Thanks for reading!

PD: I tried using the -triple dash- delimiter, but didn't work


killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Currently, there is no support for recurring events. However, I'd accept patches to get this functionality into the event.module.

I'd also very happily accept patches to integrate events.module with the image.module and get rid of its own image stuff. You might want to look at the attached_file.module.