manual-crop 7.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Manual Crop 7.x-1.4, see CHANGELOG.txt for all changes but these are the highlights:

  • Switched from the custom widget to the default image widget.
  • Added Media 2.x support for most Manual Crop settings.
  • Added an option to exclude none Manual Crop styles from Insert.
  • Added the HTTP cache-controller to images with the crop reuse effect.
  • Fixed IE 8 and 9 compatibility

manual-crop 7.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

7.x-1.3 version of the Manual Crop module, see CHANGELOG.txt for all changes but the most important new features are:

  • Basic Media 2.x and Insert integration.
  • Crop reuse effect (reuse a crop selection).
  • Ability to skip the resize if the image was not cropped.
  • Inline cropping as alternative to the overlay.

manual-crop 7.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

7.x-1.2 version of the Manual Crop module, see CHANGELOG.txt for all changes but the most important new features and bugfixes are:
- Support for the FileField Sources module;
- Optional HTTP cache controlling variable to force image reloading after re-cropping (enabled by default, disable at the performance page);
- Fixed support for images in field collections;
- Update the image preview to show the last cropped selection.

manual-crop 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

This release no longer uses the style id for storing crop selections. The module is now fully compatible with hook-provided image styles. Other than this some minor bugs (e.a. ratio cropping) and new features (e.a. requiring and hiding styles) where added.

Don't forget to run update.php to apply the database schema changes (and make sure you have a back-up before doing this)!

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