First I would like to say thanks to the developer(s) for this fabulous theme. One thing I have been trying to do but cannot figure out how. I would like to be able to have 2 maybe 3 columns of RSS feeds directly under the content next to the "Marina Estates" feed on my page below. There is another RSS feed in the column on the left, but I would like to find some way to get 2-3 columns for feeds right where the "Marina Estates" feed is. Maybe there is another way I could do this?

btw: I have narrowed the first column since I dont wish to use a three column display


nevets’s picture

You could add css something like

#block-aggregator-feed-6 .item-list ul li {
    float: left;
    width: 49%;
BigBirdy’s picture

Hey thanks kindly!! Sorry to be asking such newbie questions, but where would I add this?

nevets’s picture

If the theme supports a local.css you can add it there or in style.css.

The best practice approach is to make a sub-theme