project_dependency 7.x-2.0-beta4

New features

Parse and store the core_version_requirement key from the *.info.yml file.

project_dependency 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

The main feature is changes for dependencies to be displayed on release pages.

Issue #2798253: Test dependency shows up as required

Issue #760890 by trobey, realityloop: Display module dependencies on project pages

Issue #2810745 by drumm: Fix notice in project_dependency_select_release()

Issue #2796557 by trobey, Mixologic, drumm: Dependency processing should default to local components

Issue #2825765 by drumm: Remove duplicate queries in project_dependency_get_external_component_dependencies()

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta12

Bug fixes

Fix permissions and corruption problem with checked out code by cloning temporarily into a temp directory.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta10

Bug fixes

Issue 2400705 Comment #24: Remove reprocessing of release.

Issue #2651854: Check project types instead of files.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta9

Bug fixes

Remove two watchdog logging messages that are hammering the log now that DrupalCl is being used for testing.

Switch from custom solution to entity_metadata_wrapper for accessing field values.

Minor code cleanup to Drupal coding standards.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta8

Bug fixes
New features

Create ctools content type blocks for components, dependency blocks.

Handle Yaml parse errors gracefully.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta7

Bug fixes

Fixes a problem where two modules from the same project are required dependencies and the second module encountered has different dependencies than the first.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta5

New features

Use composer_manager to get only symfony/yaml instead of the entire Synfony library.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Excludes the project for the release during the calculation of dependencies instead of just at the end.

project_dependency 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Adds support for project namespace for dependencies.

Adds blocks (disabled by default) for displaying the components (modules) and dependencies for a release.

project_dependency 6.x-1.0-beta1

e6720a7 Issue #1325654 by rfay: Fixed Profiles and themes should be excluded.
0daf556 Issue #1344316 by rfay | bfroehle: Fixed Use recommended release rather than just sorting.
4fcc18e Issue #1332336 by rfay: Fixed Drush commands not compatible with Drush 4.
156fc44 Issue #1268126 by rfay: Add memory_limit()(-1) to drush commands.

project_dependency 6.x-1.0-alpha5

ad04d3a Issue #1276914: Add leftandright to the excluded list
1612cf8 Issue #1296990 by rfay: Fix missing dependencies of ubercart/commerce
6985eab Followup to issue #1296252 by rfay; fix something *more* in bad query
57b06a5 Issue #1296252 by rfay: Fix bad query

project_dependency 6.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
  • 02ade24 Issue #1276914 by rfay: Provide a dependency exclusion list (variable project_dependency_excluded_dependencies
  • 579213b Issue #1261158 by rfay | pfrenssen: Remove project_dependency_info_process()
  • 01354bf Issue #1259586 by pfrenssen: Updated readme with new drush command names.
    faef66f Issue #1259624 by pfrenssen: Corrected documentation of project_dependency_project_release_create_package().
  • 02c6253 Issue #1261224 by pfrenssen: Put the path to the upstream repository in a variable.

project_dependency 6.x-1.0-alpha2

Minor additional fixes for deployment on d.o

4fe652e Followup to Issue #1259572 by rfay: Fixed Shell arguments should be escaped.
2c64975 Issue #1259572 by rfay: Fixed Shell arguments should be escaped.
c7d66bd Issue #1259066 by pfrenssen: Fix missing brace in sql query

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