This is basically the justification for this feature request: In IPB there are several display modes: I'm thinking of Standard, Linear+, and Threaded. Standard is like we have now. Linear+ is basically the same, except the first post (topic starter) is displayed at the top of every page and is set apart from the other posts in some way (typically the big Reply button is below the first post instead of above it at the top of the page). Threaded is just old BB style with a single subject line per reply which you click on to see the actual reply, with indentation levels matching which post is a reply to what.

I'd like to see an option for Linear+, though probably not with the quirky terminology. Threaded can be ignored since Advanced Forum doesn't support threaded mode well and Drupal has threads covered OK anyway.

So, I'd like to see an option configurable per-user, for whether to display the first post in a topic at the top of every page instead of only the first page. It would be pretty simple code; just set up the option and check it in The only question would be how exactly to format the post so that it is not mistaken as another reply.


Michelle’s picture

Well the code to decide whether to show it or not isn't hard but AF doesn't currently have any per-user settings. So that would be introducing a whole new UI plus data storage for what isn't a very critical feature. I'm not totally against the idea but, honestly, not likely to do it until we hit a point where we have other per-user options to justify it.


meustrus’s picture

Well, wouldn't it also be good to have per-user settings for things like number of topics per forum page, display order, cutoff date, etc. like other forum software? Or is that venturing too close to core functionality?

Michelle’s picture

There are various user specific options that can be done, yes, but nothing I plan to do any time soon. That was my point; this can be added when there are others as well.


Michelle’s picture

Version: 6.x-2.x-dev » 7.x-2.x-dev
Status: Active » Postponed

This one slipped through the cracks. Moving to D7 and postponing until there is a 3.x branch open for new features.