fboauth 7.x-2.0-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #2496441 by Criistalx: Facebook didn't provide an e-mail address - API 2.4 and 2.5 updates
Issue #2627862 by DarrellDuane: Undefined property: stdClass::$pass in fboauth_action_page()

fboauth 7.x-2.0-rc1

Release 7.x-2.0-alpha1 was stable enough, no problems was found during our tests. But we still need your feedback for this release.
Please report any issues you have in project issues queue.

Please note: You need to update FBOAuth to 7.x-2.0 before May 1, 2015.
Due to changes in the Facebook graph API v2, FBOAuth 7.x-1.7 will stop working after April 30, 2015

fboauth 7.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

Alpha release with full support FB API v2.3.

It would be really great if you try it now, and help us with testing. Please report any issues you have in project issues queue.


fboauth 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #1570730 by DarrellDuane: Allow mapping of FB profile url to Link field
Issue #2342091 by Darrell Duane: Import City and State Location data from Facebook into Drupal Location Field for US and CA
Issue #2342109 by DarrellDuane: Play nice with multiple_email module
Issue #1440346 by allabakash.g: Picture not added to existing Drupal account when linking accounts
Issue #2149661 by mrded: Users with empty mail field
Issue #2420157 by bfcam: Missing !login option to t()

fboauth 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

This release of FBOAuth fixes several bugs and makes a few minor additions to our API. Upgrading is recommended for all FBOAuth users.

Bug fixes

  • #1624374: User logged into different account if linking an existing account with a different Facebook e-mail address.
  • #1873750: Login/Connect/Deauthorize links all need $redirect variables set.
  • #1764258 by kleinmp: Facebook IDs in fboauth_fbid_load() may exceed 32-bit integer limit.
  • #1772986 by roeldl and pfrenssen: Error: "Cannot access empty property" when importing select list values.
  • #1788730 by pfrenssen: Authentication error missing in watchdog.
  • #1621120: Error when saving configuration: "array_filter() first argument should be an array" when no profile fields available.
  • #1869254: Hometown field not mapping to Profile Text-Field.

API Updates

  • #1827974 by wedge: Call hook_fboauth_deauthorize from deauth action.
  • #1422000 by v-a-1: Add support for DELETE queries in fboauth_graph_query().

fboauth 6.x-1.6

Bug fixes

This release of FBOAuth fixes several bugs and makes a few minor additions to our API. Upgrading is recommended for all FBOAuth users.

Bug fixes

  • #1624374: User logged into different account if linking an existing account with a different Facebook e-mail address.
  • #1873750: Login/Connect/Deauthorize links all need $redirect variables set.
  • #1764258 by kleinmp: Facebook IDs in fboauth_fbid_load() may exceed 32-bit integer limit.
  • #1772986 by roeldl and pfrenssen: Error: "Cannot access empty property" when importing select list values.
  • #1788730 by pfrenssen: Authentication error missing in watchdog.
  • #1621120: Error when saving configuration: "array_filter() first argument should be an array" when no profile fields available.
  • #1869254: Hometown field not mapping to Profile Text-Field.

API Updates

  • #1827974 by wedge: Call hook_fboauth_deauthorize from deauth action.
  • #1422000 by v-a-1: Add support for DELETE queries in fboauth_graph_query().

fboauth 7.x-1.5

New features
Bug fixes

The 1.5 release of FBOAuth includes minor feature improvements and bug fixes.

  • #1554182 by milesw: Document alter hooks in API documentation.
  • #1486984: Add hook_fboauth_properties_alter(), allowing other modules to extend mappable field types.
  • #1441758 by darrylh and quicksketch: Support deauthorization requests from Facebook.
  • #1556718 by christianblaze and quicksketch: Duplicate usernames cause SQL error and registration to fail.
  • #1398782 by fotuzlab and meSte: No way to set your password in Drupal 7.
  • #1462200 by darrylh: 'Connect' button image link raises a warning when used with HTTPS.
  • #1466628 by Dave Reid: The fboauth_user_fields variable is not deleted in fboauth_uninstall().
  • #1524892: Documentation incorrectly refers to "theme callback".
  • #1337322: Option to not download profile pics with fboauth_create_user().
  • #1451856 by hac441 and Dave Reid: PHP notice when attempting to bind e-mails to existing accounts.

fboauth 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

The 1.5 release of FBOAuth includes minor feature improvements and bug fixes.

fboauth 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

This release fixes several bugs and makes minor API extensions. Upgrading should not create any new issues with existing sites.

fboauth 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

This release fixes several bugs and makes minor API extensions. Upgrading should not create any new issues with existing sites.

fboauth 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

The 1.3 release for Drupal 7 fixes a critical problem with a call to an undefined function user_external_login() that does not exist in Drupal 7. Upgrading is required for all users of FBOAuth in order to allow users to create new accounts with FBOAuth.

fboauth 6.x-1.3

The 1.3 update is an optional upgrade for Drupal 6 that simply increases code similarity between the 6.x-1.x branch and the 7.x-1.x branch.

fboauth 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

This release of Facebook OAuth fixes several major problems with the original release of the module, including fixes to make it work when the "Clean URLs" option is disabled in Drupal and make it compatible with PHP 5.3. All users should upgrade to this version.

Bug fixes:

fboauth 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

This release of Facebook OAuth fixes several major problems with the original release of the module, including fixes to make it work when the "Clean URLs" option is disabled in Drupal and make it compatible with PHP 5.3. All users should upgrade to this version.

Bug fixes:

fboauth 7.x-1.1

Initial release of Facebook OAuth for Drupal 7. Feature parity with the Drupal 6 version plus additional handling of User Field mapping to Facebook data now that Users may have fields.

fboauth 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

This release includes several fixes and backports from the new Drupal 7 branch.

Bug fixes:

fboauth 7.x-1.x-dev

Development release for Drupal 7. Please only use this version when testing new features or trying to debug problems.

fboauth 6.x-1.0

Initial release of the Facebook OAuth module. A module that uses Facebook's OAuth system for all actions, with built-in support for login (a.k.a. Facebook Connect).

fboauth 6.x-1.x-dev

Development version for Drupal 6. Please only use this version when testing out new features or fixing bugs.

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