rdfx 7.x-2.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha3:

  • #1229026 by scor | linclark: Fixed Test RDF serialization for Nodes no longer works.
  • #1237078 by scor: Added Align rdfx_get_rdf_model() prototype with entity API naming convention.

rdfx 7.x-2.0-alpha2

Major changes

This release introduces a dependency on the entity module, make sure to download it if you don't have it installed already on your site.

You will need to install the RESTful Web Services module to access the RDF export. Note that the RDF tab was removed, and the new path is entity_type/entity_id.rdf, for example node/1.rdf.

Full changelog since last 7.x-2.0-alpha1

Issue #1106484: Provide overview of all mappings for all bundles by linclark, milesw: Added mapping overview.
Issue #1176666: RDFx import assumes that ARC2.php is in rdfx/vendor dir by Remon, wobblefoot: Removed unnecessary require_once to vendor directory
Issue #766872: Check for conflicting namespaces by adorsk | scor: Added Check for conflicting namespaces.
Issue #1162276: README.txt file incorrect. by cwells73 | twoflower: Changed README.txt file incorrect.
Issue #781972: Use RestWS for non-RDFa serializations and content negotiation in Drupal 7 by scor, linclark: Added non-RDFa serializations and content negotiation in Drupal 7.
Issue #1089442: Remove the RDF tab by milesw, linclark | the_phi: Added Remove the RDF tab.
Issue #1160116: Fix RDF UI css file location by barbi | scor: Changed Fix RDF UI css file location.
Issue #1159662: Silent failure on node edit/update by scor | TudorGroza: Fixed Silent failure on node edit/update.
Issue #1150684: hook_requirements implemented with the wrong module namespace by milesw: Fixed incorrect module namespace in hook_requirements.
Issue #835350: Clean up the RDF UI field form by milesw: Fixed RDF UI vertical tabs and descriptions. Removed RDF UI form features that weren't displaying properly.

rdfx 7.x-2.x-dev

dev snapshot of the RDF module for Drupal 7 rdf 7.x-2.x-dev

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