I notice that there seems to be more than one version of the CVS files, i.e. what's listed in the CVS repository and what's listed in the downloads section. Am I correct in figuring that the downloads section is different from the repository?


ax’s picture

so of course there are more than one version of the CVS files (actually, there are all versions of all files in cvs ...). you may want to read the cvs manual to acquaint yourself with cvs version control.

the files in the download section are made from the cvs sources, with the packages for the various drupal versions (4.0.0, 4.1.0, cvs) made from files in cvs with the corresponding cvs tag (DRUPAL-4-00, DRUPAL-4-1-0, HEAD).

moshe weitzman’s picture

Maybe you are asking about repositories. The core Drupal package is pulled from a CVS repository called Drupal. A separate repository called Contrib. holds code contributed by anyone who feels an urge to contribute add-on modules or otherwise. Contrib code may or may not work for you, as opposed to the Drupal code which always works for everyone Only local images are allowed.

You may browse these repositories at cvs.drupal.org

Anonymous’s picture

Bingo. I guess I didn't explain that very well, but that's what I wanted to know; whether they were two different versions or not.