I want to be able to view a page without rendering the blocks. My user story is that I want to display the archive module and "turn off" the blocks for that display. I'd be happy with creating an archive.php page in / and change some parameters or something there.

Any recommended approaches to this problem? I don't want to go hacking every single theme, I'd rather keep it within archive_page().


neko’s picture


blocks can be set to only show up on some pages. 

Anyone know how? That way I can disable blocks for the archive page, or something.

moshe weitzman’s picture

in your theme, you can only call the blocks if ($mod !== "archive") for example.

neko’s picture

I was hoping to keep this functionality above the themes, but It's looking like I need to.

No matter, it seems reasonable to define a theme especially for the newsletter.

Edit: Currently I just hacked theme_blocks() in theme.inc to return if $mod == "archive" - this means that my requirement is independant of the theme. Of course that still depends on how the theme itself structures the tabling and so forth, this is not an elegant requirement at all

neko’s picture

At present, I'm considering creating a theme purely for the "email" newsletter, and I'll probably hard-define the theme in "archive.php". This will be accessed by an anonymous user in order to not contain any administration links on the page and so forth.

Any more elegant ideas, do let me know! Only local images are allowed.
