I have a site where the Global Direct module is installed and no matter what I do in the UI configuration the Deslash option has no effect. I found a site which had the same behavior (i.e. www.domain.com/about gave the same result as www.domain.com/about/ ) I installed the module and confirmed the default settings solved the problem. I've double checked and all the sites in question have the default .htaccess file being used.

This leads me to the conclusion that there is another module which must be conflicting. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can determine what is going on and where the conflict might exist?


bsnodgrass’s picture

A better title for this post might be "Deslash Option works on most sites and not on one in particular"

chriscalip’s picture

Currently deploying the globalredirect 6.x-1.x-dev to a lot of sites that had globalredirect 6.x-1.2

So far it seems that its working properly. And it had a wide array of different mix of modules.

At this point is where i start using the debugger tools to figure out whats causing this particular site bug.

bsnodgrass’s picture

Updating to globaldirect 6.x-1.x-dev DID NOT resolve the problem with this one site, it is still a mystery to me why this one site is operating differently.