I am trying to make the sidebar and content color look different (white) than the background color (grey) so it looks like white background color with fat grey bars between (and around) the content area and sidebar(s).

When the sidebar does not have as much content as the main content area the sidebar does not stay white down the whole page. Instead it stays white where the content is (in the sidebar) but then fills all that empty space in the bottom of the sidebar(s) with the background color - grey (instead of being white so the bg of the content area and sidebars look balanced).

Is there a way around this?


JSCSJSCS’s picture

I am guessing (did not try it myself) that if you go to
Zone and Region Configuration
Content Section
Content Zone

and make sure
Force equal height for all child elements is checked

This should make everything in that Zone (sidebars and main content) the same height.

Then you use CSS to add a white background color to the sidebar region and it should show the white as tall as all the content region.
Don;t add the background to the blocks, but to the sidebar region wrapper class.

fubhy’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

Yarrrrr... What JSCSJSCSJSCSJSCSJSCSJSCS (is that enough J's and C's and S's? :P) said.

In order to reveal the "Equal heights" setting you need to activate the "equal heights" library under "Toggle libraries".

richard.s.backer’s picture

I have a similar problem, but I can't find how to navigate to the Zone and Region Configuration. I searched my site and Googled to no avail. Thanks in advance.

JSCSJSCS’s picture

From the admin menu, click on Appearance->Settings->NameOfYourOmegaSubtheme. You will see the Zone and Region configuration. You might want to try the SEVEN theme for your administrative theme.

eigentor’s picture

#1 does not work.
Because sidebars are not inside the content region.
Or am I missing something?

Ah, it does. There is a Setting that controls all the content regions including sidebars. Great work!

JSCSJSCS’s picture

Height settings can be confusing. Check out http://mydrupaljourney.com/articles/2011/07/05/omega-theme-withering-hei... for more information.