Installing the Brightcove PHP MAPI Wrapper

Last updated on
19 May 2017

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The PHP MAPI Wrapper is a PHP SDK that integrates with the Brightcove Media API. It's essential for both the Brightcove and the Brightcove CCK module. You can find more information about the SDK here.


PHP version 5.2 (or greater) is needed, or you must have the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) PECL package. For more information on the JSON PECL package, please visit the PHP JSON package website.


  1. Go to PHP MAPI Wrapper page on GitHub and download the latest package. At the time of the writing, the latest version was 2.0.5.
  2. Create a directory for libraries, if you haven't already. It should be at sites/all/libraries or sites/SITENAME/libraries.
  3. Unzip the PHP MAPI Wrapper package into this directory and rename it to "brightcove". The following file should exist: sites/all/libraries/brightcove/bc-mapi.php (or sites/SITENAME/libraries/brightcove/bc-mapi.php).

if you are using 7.x-6.x branch, There is a different wrapper library you need to include

  1. Download this repository and include in your /sites/all/libraries/PHP-API-Wrapper


If you run into any issues with the library, you can file an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker. You can get additional support at the Support Forums.

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