How do I replace the 'Home' menu link with a picture.

I can find lots of ways to do it in D6, but can't find anything for D7.




Deepika.chavan’s picture

I tried the same thing on my local site.
- Create custom css file in /css dir say 'local.css' .
- Add following line of code in '' file.
stylesheets[all][] = css/local.css
- Add following css code in local.css file to replace the home link with image.

ul#main-menu a {
    background: #FFFFFF url(../images/home-link.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;  
    height: 45px;                        
    width:  100px;
    white-space: nowrap; 
    text-indent: -999px;
    overflow: hidden;  
    display: block;

Placed the 'home-link.png' image in '/images' dir.

- You can add following code if you want rollover effect. just change the background image in following code.

ul#main-menu a:hover {
    background: #FFFFFF url(../images/home-link-1.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;  
    height: 45px;                        
    width:  100px;
    white-space: nowrap; 
    text-indent: -999px;
    overflow: hidden;  
    display: block;

- Please clear cached data.


Deepika Chavan.

glennnz’s picture

OK, getting there. Now I'm trying to get the menu to display inline. I've put the menus in as blocks, rather than through the theme, and I have:

#block-system-main-menu ul {
  display: inline;

#block-system-main-menu li {
  display: inline;

#block-system-main-menu li.first a {
  background: #FFFFFF url(../images/error.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0; 
  height: 45px;                       
  width:  100px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-indent: -999px;
  overflow: hidden; 

I can get them to either be not inline, with the background image, or inline with both background image AND the link text.