I am trying to create a new quicktab but in the section where the tabs are defined, the Tab content column is empty. It doesn't matter which Tab type I choose, there is just a big blank empty space where I'm assuming the list of blocks, views, etc. would appear. Am I missing a supporting module or is there a setting I should look at?

#2 no.link_.jpg89.07 KBshiftymic
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ishmael-sanchez’s picture

What version of ctools are you using? Looking at the code part of that page is rendered with the help of ctools so you can try upgrading ctools to 7.x-1.0-rc1. Using that version of ctools, Drupal core 7.8, and 7.x-3.0 of quick tabs I see the add quicktabs page just fine and my quicktabs are working like a champ.

shiftymic’s picture

89.07 KB

I am using said "ctools to 7.x-1.0-rc1" and still have same issue. The problem is that no area loads for me to place the link where the tab is supposed to reveal when clicked on. Screen shot attached --- there is no Heading for where the tab is supposed to point. Nothing loads no matter what "Tab Type" is selected.

Perhaps Quicktabs 7.x-3.0 is not a good version? I shall try other version releases of QT and report back which ones may work. Based on the release page, ver. 7.x-3.0 has listed:

Change to the args passed to the ajax callback for content so as to include the QT name and add nedjo's fix for ajax accessing block content.

Which sounds like what is happening here -- I suppose this means it is being worked on since there is no strike thru?

shiftymic’s picture

I tried three different versions of QT, including 7.x-2.0. All of them showed the same result of not being able to add a path for the tab to follow.

From this I think it must be something with incompatibility of Ctools with theme Bartlik -- which doesn't make sense since it is the default for Drupal 7......... are there any other module requirements I am missing for Quicktabs to work?

ALSO -- all my comments related to installation of Drupal 7.8

any help/leads/ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!! :)

katbailey’s picture

Could it possibly be something as simple as you not having JavaScript enabled in your browser? Although I have made sure that the actual Quicktabs themselves display and function without js, I can't be certain that I was quite so diligent about the admin UI :-/ and from the screenshot it looks like the js isn't working. If you do have JavaScript enabled, can you see if there are any js errors?

shiftymic’s picture

I do most all developing in Chrome -- so java being enabled is given ----- I doubled checked, though, and it is enabled ---- I checked js errors and found the following:

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html.
jquery.cookie.js:  Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html.
jquery.cookie.js  Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
toolbar.js:29  Uncaught TypeError: Object function (j,s){return new b.fn.init(j,s)} has no method 'cookie'
jquery.cookie.js  Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
tabledrag.js:164  Uncaught TypeError: Object function (j,s){return new b.fn.init(j,s)} has no method 'cookie'

No idea what any of this means, but I was wondering why I couldn't style my Accordion views individually earlier (then found files in my core misc folder?) --- perhaps, it is an issue with Bartik's Seven admin theme overriding things / not being compatible?

katbailey’s picture

OK, that JavaScript error is interfering with Quicktabs' js but the problem has nothing to do with Quicktabs. It's not finding misc/jquery.cookie.js and an uncaught error is being thrown as a result in tabledrag.js which in turn is putting everything else out. Find out why that core js file is not in your misc directory.

shiftymic’s picture

okay so I checked --- the jquery.cookie.js file IS in my misc directory.....so not sure why it wouldn't recognize location. After reading over the js error, it seems like the errors in cookie are from toolbar.js:29 not having a term defined as cookie....?

Here is the CORE jquery.cookie.js file in case you need to compare it to Quicktabs:

 * Cookie plugin 1.0
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de)
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
jQuery.cookie=function(b,j,m){if(typeof j!="undefined"){m=m||{};if(j===null){j="";m.expires=-1}var e="";if(m.expires&&(typeof m.expires=="number"||m.expires.toUTCString)){var f;if(typeof m.expires=="number"){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+(m.expires*24*60*60*1000))}else{f=m.expires}e="; expires="+f.toUTCString()}var l=m.path?"; path="+(m.path):"";var g=m.domain?"; domain="+(m.domain):"";var a=m.secure?"; secure":"";document.cookie=[b,"=",encodeURIComponent(j),e,l,g,a].join("")}else{var d=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!=""){var k=document.cookie.split(";");for(var h=0;h<k.length;h++){var c=jQuery.trim(k[h]);if(c.substring(0,b.length+1)==(b+"=")){d=decodeURIComponent(c.substring(b.length+1));break}}}return d}};

I tried deleting the file to see what happened, gave me a smaller version of same errors

I missed this extra info last time, in case it helps, from the js error log:

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html.
jquery.cookie.js:  Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html.
jquery.cookie.js   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
toolbar.js:29   Uncaught TypeError: Object function (j,s){return new b.fn.init(j,s)} has no method 'cookie'
	Drupal.toolbar.inittoolbar.					js:29
	b.extend.eachjquery.						js:34
	b.fn.b.eachjquery.						js:27
	$.fn.oncejquery.once.						js:55
	Drupal.behaviors.toolbar.attachtoolbar.			js:12
	Drupal.attachBehaviorsdrupal.					js:55
	b.extend.eachjquery.						js:33
	Drupal.attachBehaviorsdrupal.					js:53
	Drupal.theme.placeholderdrupal.				js:365
	b.extend.readyjquery.						js:30

Anyone know how to add a 'method cookie' to the toolbar to help it recognize this? I think it might have to do with the fact that in Drupal 7's admin theme Seven, the admin interface overlays on top of whatever current page you are on. This might confuse QT module from recognizing where it should be printed for this one function.

Anyone have success with QT using a different admin theme? Any suggestions? i.e. how have others not had this problem? :(

Enno’s picture

I have the same problem as shiftymic.

Drupal 7.8, CTools 7.x-1.0-rc1, Quicktabs 7.3 - Omega Theme with Seven Admin theme. Bug appears in overlay as well as without.

The tab content functionality is not showing up, however it is there, but hidden via CSS form the quicktabs module.

My quick workaround was to inspect the element (firebug, etc.) where the content selection functionality should be. I am finding there the following CSS:

html.js #qt-tablist-table .qt-tab-options-form {
display: none;
border-bottom: none;
padding: 0px;

If I disable "display: none", I can then chose the content for the tab and move on.

Sorry, no time to analyze further, hope this helps.

shiftymic’s picture

Enno --- you are awesome!!! This worked for me in both disabling Overlay and with it! No idea why this would be set to not display as a default, but maybe the maintainers can fix it quickly to include in any future releases.

anyways, had to do some digging around to find what file it was in, so for anyone else having this issue occur -- you can go to the QT css folder and complete the edit in quicktabs-admin.css file.

Thanks again -- you saved me many hours of frustration as many of my displays rely on this incredible module!

katbailey’s picture

I am still not convinced there is actually a problem in Quicktabs module itself - it seems to me that you are having JavaScript problems, one side effect of which is that the Quicktabs admin UI doesn't work. So unless someone can give me either a) complete steps to reliably reproduce this bug or b) access to a site they have set up where I can see it for myself, I won't be taking any further action on this.

Enno’s picture

As soon as I find some time, I will set you up a testsystem that shows the error and pm you the details.

katbailey’s picture

Ok, it seems this is in fact a core bug: http://drupal.org/node/996240
Please try without overlay module and you should be able to use the admin form no problem

damban’s picture

Hi, I am running D7.14 and 7.x-3.4

I had to visit admin/config/development/performance

And select: Aggregate JavaScript files.

If it helps anyone else.

scott.browne’s picture


Thank you very much, that worked for me.

doakym’s picture

#13 thank!

drugget’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

#13 works! But why?