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The Ultimate Cron handling for Drupal.
Runs cron jobs individually in parallel using configurable rules, pool management and load balancing.


This is a port of the 7.x-2.x branch to Drupal 8, using config entities and the Drupal 8+ plugin system.

See for an overview on how the module works and how to discover jobs.

2.9 READY!

Ultimate Cron 7.x-2.9 is out now.
Ultimate Cron 1.x documentation can be found at

The old project page for Ultimate Cron 1.x can be found at


  • No more dependency to Background Process. Ultimate Cron now works without Background Process. However, Background Process is still supported for true parallelism
  • Refactored to use cTools plugins, making it easier to extend Ultimate Cron.
  • Now includes the daemonizer and queue throttling features, previously found in the modules Ultimate Cron Daemonizer and Ultimate Cron Queue Scaler
  • Hopefully a more robust lock and logging mechanism.
  • Integration with nodejs for live update on cron page
  • Nagios support has not been re-implemented

Upgrade path from 7.x-1.x and previous

Upgrading from an earlier version of Ultimate Cron to a 7.x-2.x version has some caveats. See the documentation.


Ultimate Cron is built upon 4 plugin types.

  • Settings: - plugins that provide custom settings for jobs (bundled: general, queue).
  • Schedulers: - plugins that provide a mechanism for whether or not a job should run at a certain time (bundled: simple, crontab).
  • Launchers: - plugins that provide a way of launching jobs (bundled: serial, background_process).
  • Loggers: - plugins that provide a logging backing for job status (bundled: database, cache).

Ultimate Cron 7.x-2.x documentation can be found at


  • Works out-of-the box in most cases (or aims to)
  • Parallel execution of cron jobs
  • Configuration per job (enable/disable, rules, etc.)
  • Multiple rules per cron job
  • Pool management and load balancing using Background process
  • Support for Drupal Queues
  • Overview of cron jobs
  • Log history of cron jobs
  • Status/error messages per cron job, providing easy debugging of troublesome cron jobs
  • Uses hook_cronapi() (Elysia Cron compatible, NOT 2.x, please use hook_cron_alter() for similar functionality)
  • hook_cron_alter() for easy adding/manipulating cron jobs
  • Poormans cron with keepalive a granularity of 1 minute
  • Drush support (list, start, enable/disable jobs from the command line)


Supported 3rd party modules


Declaring new cron jobs

From ultimate_cron.api.php


 * Inform Ultimate Cron about cron jobs.
 * Note that the result of this hook is cached.
 * @return array
 *   Array of cron jobs, keyed by name.
 *    - "title": (optional) The title of the cron job. If not provided, the
 *      name of the cron job will be used.
 *    - "file": (optional) The file where the callback lives.
 *    - "module": The module where this job lives.
 *    - "file path": (optional) The path to the directory containing the file
 *      specified in "file". This defaults to the path to the module
 *      implementing the hook.
 *    - "callback": (optional) The callback to call when running the job.
 *      Defaults to the job name.
 *    - "callback arguments": (optional) Arguments for the callback. Defaults
 *      to array().
 *    - "enabled": (optional) Initial state of the job. Defaults to TRUE.
 *    - "tags": (optional) Tags for the job. Defaults to array().
 *    - "settings": (optional) Default settings (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job declaring some default settings for a plugin called
 *      "some_plugin":
 *      'settings' => array(
 *        'some_plugin' => array(
 *          'some_value' => 60,
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "scheduler": (optional) Default scheduler (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the crontab scheduler as default:
 *      'scheduler' => array(
 *        'name' => 'crontab',
 *        'crontab' => array(
 *          'rules' => array('* * * * *'),
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "launcher": (optional) Default launcher (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the serial launcher as default:
 *      'launcher' => array(
 *        'name' => 'serial',
 *        'serial' => array(
 *          'thread' => 'any',
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "logger": (optional) Default logger (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the cache logger as default:
 *      'logger' => array(
 *        'name' => 'cache',
 *        'cache' => array(
 *          'bin' => 'mycachebin',
 *        ),
 *      ),
function hook_cronapi() {
  $items = array();

  $items['example_my_cron_job_1'] = array(
    'title' => t('This is my cron job #1'),
    'file' => '',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'example') . '/cron',
    'callback' => 'example_my_cron_job_callback',
    'callback arguments' => array('cronjob1'),
    'enabled' => FALSE,
    'tags' => array('example'),
    'settings' => array(
      'example_plugin' => array(
        'example_setting' => 'example_value',
    'scheduler' => array(
      'name' => 'crontab',
      'crontab' => array(
        'rules' => array('* * * * *'),
    'launcher' => array(
      'name' => 'serial',
      'serial' => array(
        'thread' => 'any',
    'logger' => array(
      'name' => 'cache',
      'cache' => array(
        'bin' => 'my_cache_bin',

  return $items;


In fact, all options are optional, so the most minimal way of declaring a new cronjob is:

 * Implements hook_cronapi().
function example_cronapi() {
  $items = array();
  $items['example_my_cron_job'] = array();
  return $items;

 * The callback for the cron job,
function example_my_cron_job($job) {


Related modules

Supporting organizations: 
Drupal 8 port, Maintenance
Drupal 7 Maintenance

Project information
