
I'm trying to have a views_fusion view from a nodeprofile and usernode. I need to filter in nodeprofile by an argument (cck taxonomy field), and in usernode by role.

I created a view A wich have an argument to filter by a CCK taxonomy_field in the nodeprofile node, and a view B wich have a filter by role in usernode. I make a fusion with A as primary view (as it gets argument) and B as secondary view. And when I try the new views_fusion invoking it like view A, I get the error:

user warning: Unknown column 'v10usernode_users_name' in 'order clause' query: SELECT DISTINCT(node.nid), v10node.nid AS v10node_nid, v10usernode_users.name AS v10v10usernode_users_name FROM node node LEFT JOIN content_type_fichausuario node_data_field_pas ON node.vid = node_data_field_pas.vid LEFT JOIN nodefamily nodefamily ON node.nid = nodefamily.parent_nid LEFT JOIN node v10node ON nodefamily.child_nid = v10node.nid INNER JOIN usernode v10usernode ON v10node.nid = v10usernode.nid LEFT JOIN users_roles v10usernode_users_roles ON v10usernode.uid = v10usernode_users_roles.uid LEFT JOIN users v10usernode_users ON v10usernode.uid = v10usernode_users.uid WHERE (node.type IN ('fichausuario')) AND (node_data_field_pas.field_pas_value = 14) AND (v10usernode_users_roles.rid IN ('4')) ORDER BY v10usernode_users_name ASC LIMIT 0, 10 in /usr/share/drupal-5.1/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 172.

I have to say, that the info I want to show, is in nodeprofile, as my node-usernode.tpl.php is simply:

<?php if ($page == 0): ?>
  <h2 class="title">
    <a href="<?php print $node_url ?>"><?php print $title; ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>

  $children = nodefamily_relation_load($nid);
  print node_view($children[0]);

So all the info is in nodeprofile, I just want to take from usernode the username (title), and filter by role (from that to use the views_fusion).

I don't know If I make something wrong, I didn't found much documentation about views_fusion, and I need some help or documentation.




Taz’s picture

I have the same issue - from just a quick glance at the query - there's a sort criteria (or sort by default on the field) set and views fusion doesn't look down the scope to the fused view to see what sort criteria it has - and add it as a table reference in the mysql query. I imagine it would not be too hard to fix, if i need to fix this functionality myself for what i'm doing then i will submit it as a patch (but unlikely). Otherwise i have no immediate fix, i have not looked into the code.

t.a. barnhart@drupal.org’s picture

also a problem here. i created a simple test fusion: 2 views, one cloned from the other (user ID & term ID). both views work great. fuse them, get the big-ass error

user warning: Unknown column 'v12term_node.tid' in 'on clause' query: SELECT node.nid, v12node.nid AS v12node_nid FROM node node LEFT JOIN term_node term_node ON node.nid = term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy term_hierarchy ON v12term_node.tid = term_hierarchy.tid INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_parent ON node.nid = nodefamily_parent.parent_nid LEFT JOIN node v12node ON nodefamily_parent.child_nid = v12node.nid LEFT JOIN term_node v12term_node ON v12node.nid = v12term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy v12term_hierarchy ON v12v12term_node.tid = v12term_hierarchy.tid LEFT JOIN term_node v12term_node2 ON v12node.nid = v12term_node2.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy v12term_hierarchy2 ON v12v12term_node2.tid = v12term_hierarchy2.tid WHERE (node.uid = 2) AND (term_node.tid = '16') AND (v12term_node.tid = '15') AND (node.uid = 2) AND (v12term_node2.tid = '16') LIMIT 0, 8 in /home/.poly/subboy/tincupchalice.net/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 167.

fago’s picture

hm, such errors may occur if you use incompatible views - views fusion versions.
Please update to the latest views 1.6 release as well as to views fusion 1.2. Then - to make sure there are no caching issues - go and edit + save each view that takes part at the fusion.
If the errors persist please post again..

dsnoeck’s picture

Version: 5.x-1.x-dev » 5.x-1.2
Category: support » bug
Priority: Critical » Normal

I have the same issue but only when I filter my views with a taxonomy term. Otherwise, when I remove the taxonomy filter, I have a blank page.
- On each side, both of my views works fine without the fusion.
- I use the last beta version of views 1.6beta5 and fusion 1.2
- I work on Drupal 5.1

Here is the error I receive with a taxonomy filter.

user warning: Unknown column 'v13term_node.tid' in 'on clause' query: SELECT DISTINCT(node.nid), node.title AS node_title, node.changed AS node_changed, v13node.nid AS v13node_nid, v13node.title AS v13node_title, v13node.changed AS v13node_changed FROM node node LEFT JOIN term_node term_node ON node.nid = term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy term_hierarchy ON v13term_node.tid = term_hierarchy.tid INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_parent ON node.nid = nodefamily_parent.parent_nid LEFT JOIN node v13node ON nodefamily_parent.child_nid = v13node.nid LEFT JOIN term_node v13term_node ON v13node.nid = v13term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy v13term_hierarchy ON v13v13term_node.tid = v13term_hierarchy.tid WHERE (node.status = '1') AND (term_node.tid IN ('2')) AND (v13node.status = '1') AND (v13term_node.tid IN ('2')) LIMIT 0, 1 in C:\my\drupal\path\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
fago’s picture

Title: views_fusion 5 and SQL error » views_fusion 5 and taxonomy filters

hm, what taxonomy fields are you using?
Pls tell me which filters you are using - which one on which view, and if you have enabled hierarchy.
Then I'll try to reproduce this...