I have a user reference field named "editor" on a custom content type, and a view that lists content of this type. The view displays each node's editor, and has an exposed filter on editor.

Recently an editor left our employment, so we set her account status to blocked. Since then the view displays nodes with references to her (as expected), but the exposed filter's drop down list doesn't include her, which prevents me from finding content she edited.

I could be wrong here, but I'm guessing that the user ref field option "User status that can be referenced" might be a work-around. That is, if I allowed blocked users to be referenced then the view filter values would include that user. Unfortunately, #1038102: user ref settings : 'blocked' checkbox does not save prevents me from testing that work around.

Regardless, that would only be a work around. The "User status that can be referenced" should only control whether *new* references can be made to a user. In the case of a view that lists existing nodes, nodes may exist with references to currently unreferenceable users. The allowed values for the filter should include all users who have ever been referenced.


Michelle’s picture

I'm hitting a variation of this issue. As far as I can tell, my issue isn't so much different as the problem is larger than your issue is defining. In my case, I have a node reference and it uses a view to only allow users to enter events that haven't happened yet. Because they are not able to edit the node after the event, there is no issue of the existing choice becoming invalid for my use case. However, as you ran into, I'm finding that the exposed filter in Views is restricting entry the same way. Which means my view will only list items from events that haven't happened, yet, which is totally not what I want. :(
