
I have completed the install through install.php and I have used 'testsite.com' as my site name. The mysql db connection is fine with the change to from localhost due to a resolving issue. I have created a folder 'testsite.com' in the /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/drupal-7.8/sites directory. I have completed the installation and get to the completed installation page, but when the link of 'proceed to your website' is used I get an 'index of' from which I have partially posted the content below.

Index of /drupal-7.8

Parent Directory

When I click the 'index.php' link on the 'index of/drupal-7.8' page I get the welcome to testsite.com page, but again when I try to access the content, modules, dashboard links I am sent back to the 'index of/drupal-7.8' page.

This is a localhost install, in the apache htdocs folder, using php and mysql. No modules or themes have been added to the configuration folder /sites/testsite.com or the /all or /default directories. My question is in relation to what the issue is that is preventing access to contents, dashboard, modules, etc from the index.php page.

Any assistance would be appreciated,
thanks in advance


couturier’s picture

It seems I had that problem last year when I was first starting with Drupal and I'm trying to remember how I solved it. Have you talked to your host, or are you hosting this site yourself? Your host may have a suggestion. Are you sure that your files are in the correct folder? Can you move all the Drupal files up one level?