I added a google calendar to my site in the First Sidebar region via core Blocks module, and selected "show on all pages except those listed"

It shows up on all pages except the page, even though I did not list the front page as one to exclude. Even tried copying the block content and setting its duplicate entry to "Show only on listed pages" as and it sill does not show up. Then tried actual name of the node, still no luck.

Any ideas why this would happen? Even when I type in the full URL in my browser that is being redirected to my base domain (through Configuration --> Site Info) as the front page, the block does not show.


shiftymic’s picture

Category: bug » support

Okay so apparently the front page has a special display setting in some kind of file (one of the php's i guess) ----- as switching the main page direction to a "Basic Page" turned it into a condensed teaser on the front page, as seen in Journal Crunch's screenshot.

I then went back to my Panel Page as the landing page, and created an equal % pane to that of the first sidebar in order to add the custom google calendar block from the core Block module. HOWEVER -- none of the styling from the div class #colright showed up with it.

I tried giving the new pane its own div and copying the CSS properties for First Sidebar, but this didn't work either......

any suggestions? Is there a possibility to turn OFF this custom front page by Journal Crunch so that users can create their own format without minor setbacks like this?

rliwma’s picture

Any luck? I want to know too ...

Anonymous’s picture

Yes, you are correct shiftymic, I have spent a long time trying to work this out.

My solution is:

Go into 'page.tpl.php'

Delete eveything, and replace it with this:

<div id="mainWrapper">

    <!-- Header. -->
    <div id="wrapper">

    <!-- Header. -->
    <div id="header">
        <div id="logo-floater">
            <h1><a href="<?php print $front_page ?>">
            <?php if ($logo): ?>
              <img src="<?php print $logo ?>" alt="<?php if(isset($site_name_and_slogan)) { print $site_name_and_slogan;} ?>" title="<?php if(isset($site_name_and_slogan)) { print $site_name_and_slogan;} ?>" id="logo" /><br/>
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if(isset($site_name_and_slogan)) { print $site_name_and_slogan;} ?>
        <div id="topMenu">
			<?php print theme('links__system_main_menu', array('links' => $main_menu, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('links primary-links', 'inline', 'clearfix')))); ?>
        <div id="topSearch">
		<?php print render($page['header']); ?>
        <div id="topSocial">
                <li><a class="twitter tip" href="http://twitter.com/morethanthemes" title="Follow Us on Twitter!"></a></li>
                <li><a class="facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/More-than-just-themes/194842423863081" title="Join Us on Facebook!"></a></li>
                <li><a class="rss" href="#" title="Subcribe to Our RSS Feed"></a></li>
    </div><!-- EOF: #header -->
	<!-- Content. -->
    <div id="content">
            <div id="colLeft">
                <?php print $messages;?>
                <?php if ($tabs): ?><?php print render($tabs); ?><?php endif; ?>
                <?php print render($page['help']); ?>
                <?php print render($page['content']); ?>
            </div><!-- EOF: #main -->
            <div id="colRight">

          	<?php print render($page['sidebar_first']); ?>

            </div><!-- EOF: #sidebar -->
    </div><!-- EOF: #content -->
</div><!-- EOF: #wrapper -->
<!-- Footer -->    
<div id="footer">
    <div id="footerInner">
        <div class="blockFooter">
            <?php //print $footer_first; ?>
            <?php print render($page['footer_first']); ?>
        <div class="blockFooter">
            <?php //print $footer_second; ?>
            <?php print render($page['footer_second']); ?>
        <div class="blockFooter">
            <?php //print $footer_third; ?>
            <?php print render($page['footer_third']); ?>
        <div class="blockFooter">
            <?php //print $footer_fourth; ?>
            <?php print render($page['footer_fourth']); ?>
    <div id="secondary-links">
        <?php if (isset($secondary_menu)) { ?><?php print theme('links', $secondary_menu, array('class' => 'links', 'id' => 'subnavlist')); ?><?php } ?>
    <div id="footer-message">
        <?php //print $footer_message ?>
        Ported to Drupal for the Open Source Community by <a href="http://www.drupalizing.com">Drupalizing</a>, a Project of <a href="http://www.morethanthemes.com">More than Themes</a>
        <div style="clear:both; display:block;"><a href="http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/12/09/journalcrunch-wordpress-3-0-theme-free-theme-for-portfolios-and-magazines/" class="smashing">SmashingMagazine</a><a href="http://www.drupalizing.com" class="drupalizing" title="Drupalizing">Drupalizing</a></div>

</div><!-- EOF: #footer -->

<?php print render($page['page_bottom']); ?>

Note: you will have to change th Facebook & Twiter links to your page, or remove them totally.

ruess’s picture

Or if you don't want to delete everything, just comment out the following:

<!--?php if ($is_front) {
            print $messages;
            if ($tabs): print render($tabs); endif;
			print render($page['content']);
			print render($page['help']);
         } else { ?-->

. . and it's corresponding end tag:

<!--?php } ?-->

napostol’s picture

None of these worked for me, I just did this:

 if ($is_front) {
            print $messages;
            if ($tabs): print render($tabs); endif;
			print render($page['content']);
			print render($page['help']);
			print render($page['sidebar_first']); <-------added this
         } else { 
delxpez’s picture

MwdDev 's solution works .
You just need to remove the first " <?php " tag (just delete the first line)