(I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a feature request - perhaps the MenuTrails module
was only intended for primary and secondary menus?)

My primary reason for using this module is to show secondary links and tertiary links on tertiary pages (since there's no difficulty in displaying secondary links on secondary pages using Drupal).

While I am now able to display both secondary and tertiary links (with some hacking) for a tertiary page using this module, I am baffled as to how to get the correct item in a tertiary menu to be 'active' for that page, as it does for secondary menus. The only options available in MenuTrails are to associate the page with a node type, or a category.

That is, if I have a menu hierarchy (defined in the primary links menu) such as

  • Menu1A
  • Menu1B
    • Menu2A
      • Menu3A
      • Menu3B
    • Menu2B

how can I get the page associated with Menu3A to display the Menu3A menu item as active when I am on that page?

Neither node type nor category are suitable unless I were to define a category to assign to the pages Menu3A, Menu3B, etc.., which is clumsy and is not how categories were meant to be used.

Should I be using the Menu Position module (mentioned elsewhere) instead?