Good day!

I'm new to Drupal, and I'm having trouble on some items to create a navigation menu with expansion.

I'm doing the following (example):

Social networking
Consumer Information
Duplicate / Billet Banking
Table of Rates

When you click on Consumer Information, I would not directed to the page / information-to-consumer, but a hash "#".

That's because the menu is closed and only opens when you click. And the way it is today, is redirecting to the page instead of opening the menu. I use jQuery to the effect:

$ ("# body # column-one li.expanded ul"). click (function () {
$ (this). parent (). find ("ul"). slideToggle ('slow');
return false;

This way, the opening and closing works, but clicking on an item internal tables (eg tariffs), has also just closed, instead of going to the URL specified.

In short, it is possible instead of specifying a URL to create the menu item, specify "#"?

As it is installed, it gives an error: The path is''Either the invalid or not you have access to it.


WorldFallz’s picture

in short no-- the path of a menu item needs to be a valid path. Though there's tons of menu modules-- one might enable what you describe.

Drave Robber’s picture

Indeed, there are modules (although I've never tried to weigh them :)
Menu item container or Special menu items might provide you with "blank" menu items;

also, there are modules that implement different javascript thingies – search is your friend.

Maykel’s picture

Thank you guys, i'll search some modules for this application!