zurb_foundation 9.0.0-beta1

If you are updating from 8.x-6.7-beta1 follow these instructions on what's changed:

zurb_foundation 9.x-dev

If you are updating from 9.x-beta1 follow these instructions on what's changed:

zurb_foundation 7.0.0-beta1

If you are updating from 8.x-6.7-beta1 follow these instructions on what's changed:

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.7-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

This branch has all the major breaking changes we anticipate making before creating a fully stable release. The upgrade steps are significant, so plan some time to test your theme and make the manual changes.

Thank you to everyone who contributed work, tested, and commented on issues!

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.0-alpha6

Bug fixes
New features

This is a new alpha release of the 8.x-6.x development branch. Major changes including: updating the version of Foundation Sites used, removing layouts from the theme, lots of bug fixes and improvements. This is still an alpha release, meaning the theme continues to make major/breaking changes. However, if you are already using the 8.x-6.0-alpha5 release, there are lots of changes here that you may find helpful. Thank you to everyone who contributed to these changes and continues to use this theme and provide feedback!

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
New features

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.0-alpha5 is here with lots of improvements, including:

Better built-in theme suggestions for fields, the 'available updates' fix, replaced deprecated functions, fix for breadcrumbs, some classes fixed, breakpoints.yml file fixes, CSRF fix for local menu task items, and a small patch fixing the layout builder reference without breaking backwards compatibility. (Use twig debug mode to see detailed new theme suggestions for fields)

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

A lot of theming issues were resolved in this release. Thank you to everyone that worked hard on the improvements in this release.

zurb_foundation 7.x-5.0-rc8

Bug fixes

Fixes: #2804703: package.json installs outdated node-sass & grunt-sass. Thank you Spanners, apmsooner, kclarkson, iamrentman for reporting this issue and testing the fix.

This was breaking the rc7 project for people in general so a new release has been tagged. Please report issues for zurb_foundation 7.x here. Patches and testing are appreciated!

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.x-alpha3 removes bower and switches purely to npm which should help everyone set up environments more easily. We are still planning to make significant changes to the layout system and spin off the layout class code properly into foundation_layouts module. Please see the plan for 8.x-6.x for more.

zurb_foundation 8.x-6.x-dev

This branch is the current focus of development for Drupal 8 and is aiming to incorporate the latest updates from Zurb Foundation going forward.

zurb_foundation 8.x-5.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Zurb Foundation 8.x-5.0-beta1 released!

As we're rapidly approaching Drupal 8's release and the 8.x-5.x branch of Zurb Foundation has reached an acceptable level of maturity, we've decided to release a beta to promote the theme. Please file issues and test out the new features in this branch so that we can move towards a stable release.

zurb_foundation 7.x-5.0-rc5

Bug fixes

Re-release of RC4 that does not seem to have been packaged correctly.

zurb_foundation 7.x-5.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Refactored the base-theme / sub-theme structure along with GruntFile tasks to improve sub-theme upgradability.

zurb_foundation 7.x-3.1

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-3.0:

  • Minor adjustment to submit button classes as accomplished by #2370417 and #2342691.

This release is primarily and attempt to resolve #2310491

zurb_foundation 7.x-5.0-alpha7

Bug fixes
New features


This release integrates Bower as a means of controlling assets similar to the main Zurb project. Please take the time to install bower and Grunt if you have not done so already, because you will need it as a themer.

To get the latest assets (SCSS, JS) from Zurb, navigate to your theme in terminal and do the following:

bower update

This will copy anything updated into a bower_components folder. From here, running grunt will copy those into their rightful places in the theme.

zurb-foundation 7.x-4.0

Bug fixes
New features

Final round of bugfixes and stable 4.0 release! Thanks to everyone for helping out!

zurb-foundation 7.x-5.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

This release has removed Ruby/Compass support and in its place added Grunt.js support inline with Foundation 5. The README.txt in the STARTER folder has installation instructions. Grunt.js now takes care of compiling and watching changes to SCSS and CSS files for you.

zurb-foundation 7.x-5.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

foundation.min.js in both the core and STARTER subtheme is now the correct 5.x release instead of the old 4.x.

zurb-foundation 7.x-5.0-alpha1

New features

First alpha release. Initial conversion to Foundation 5 using the upgrade procedure from Zurb, modified to work within our Drupal theme.

zurb-foundation 7.x-4.0-rc2

Bug fixes

rc-1 was missing a commit to template.php that makes the new theming functions work for buttons. Sorry!

zurb-foundation 7.x-4.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Tons of bugfixes and new features like dropdown and split button theming support.

Final set of release(es) up to 5.x

zurb-foundation 7.x-4.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

Various bug fixes, styling fixes, HTML fixes. Heading toward RC/release.

zurb-foundation 7.x-4.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

Finally! This is a long-overdue release supporting Foundation 4.

There are way too many additions and changes to list fully, so here's some highlights:

zurb-foundation 8.x-4.x-dev

Transitioning the 1.x branch to 4.x to match Zurb Foundation version numbers.

zurb-foundation 8.x-1.x-dev

New features

Development snapshot for 8.x-1.x, based on 7.x-2.x and conversion up to Foundation 4.

Templates are now based in Twig instead of PHPTemplate.

zurb-foundation 7.x-2.x-dev

New development branch release created to support the development of Foundation 4.

Foundation 4 has drastically diverged it's direction thus supporting the change: #1833520: Upgrade from foundation 3 to 4

zurb-foundation 7.x-1.x-dev

Working theme with sub-theme system. Rough around the edges but being used in production. See #1602294: Roadmap

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