Is it possible to have hierarchical select taxonomy terms to define a user during registration?
this will solve many problems in user registrations.


kaizerking’s picture

I wanted to use taxonomy term reference registration with hierarchical select widget,
I suggest, if we could also put term reference, where we are selecting the selection method,and widget to select.My idea is to force user to select the root level as role,While still holding the hierarchy intact.
Kindly plz help.

kaizerking’s picture

can any one help please,
A simple user selected role selection method->Select list ->Widget Hierarchical select will work for me As I will force use the to select the root term,which will be a the role
Please help

kaizerking’s picture

Any one please help....

kclarkson’s picture

I would be nice to auto assign role by taxonomy terms.

I have a situation where we want to assign someone a role based on the School they select which is are taxonomy terms.