Using Internationalization 6.x-1.10 and Nice Menus 6.x-2.1.

Using "Navigation" menu (not "Primary links", etc.). Have entered translations for each menu item. For those menu items that have no children, the translated menu item show when I switch language. But if the menu item has children, neither it nor the children menu items show when I switch language.

Can someone shed some light?


mttjn’s picture

Category: support » bug

changing this to a bug report because clearly it *should* work.
i'd be happy to look at fixing this if anyone can offer some direction...

mttjn’s picture

Anyone? I can't be the only one to have noticed this problem...

Does anyone have Nice Menus working perfectly with translation where some menu items have child menu items? If so, perhaps you could give details regarding your setup...


mttjn’s picture

Right. No answer. Time to give up on Nice Menus and move on to Superfish (hopefully better luck there...) :)

Drave Robber’s picture

You might try this patch – thus you could at least help us establish whether that issue is related to i18nmenu_node or wider.