I downloaded Drupal awhile back, but only for the last week have I really been diving in deep. I'm using the Amadou theme, but no matter what I try to do I can't post images to the body text of a page or a story. I've downloaded 8 modules or so but none of them work for me. And it seems to be CMS wide, ie. changing themes doesn't seem to make a difference. TinyMCE was the most recent trial, but it doesn't show the WYSIWYG buttons.

It's possible I may be missing a step, because the directions were not clear, but installing a module hasn't been an issue in the past.
Should I have inserted a javascript include? Any or additional questions are welcome.




wmostrey’s picture

Hey robj,

Here are some guidelines:

1/ After installing the tinymce module, you still need to unpack the content of the tinymce package (not drupal-related) in the sites/all/modules/tinymce directory so you will have a sites/all.modules/tinymce/tinymce directory. This should get the module to work.

2/ If you want to upload images through tinymce, you can download the IMCE module and enable it. It will automatically integrate with tinymce.

3/ Some themes do not include the scripts tag. Check your page.tpl.php if it contains the following:

<?php print $scripts ?>

If it doesn't, include it right before

<?php print $styles ?>

Good luck, and be sure to post how it went.

Anonymous’s picture


Steps 1 and 2, I had already done. I checked for the page.tpl.php for the code which was indeed there. However it was that file paths you listed that sparked my curiosity.

The only file path that would recognize was this, sites/all/modules/tinymce, with the files and directories listed within. sites/all/modules/tinymce/tinymce would give me an error to change the directory to sites/all/modules/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce. Obviously that wasn't going to work. What was strange was the source was looking for the javascript files within the sites/all/modules/tinymce/tinymce/ directory. The module wouldn't work if I moved all the files and directories.

So this what I changed to make it work.

1. TinyMCE root - sites/all/modules/tinymce
2. Moved the 'jscripts' directory to - sites/all/modules/tinymce/tinymce (this is where the source was trying to locate the files)
3. Then changed the 'Input Type' option to Full HTML

Woohalla! This is likely a completely incorrect install of TinyMCE, but if it works...

Comments/suggestions are welcome.


wmostrey’s picture

Hey Robj,

You did it correctly. My guess is that you unpacked the external package to sites/all/modules/tinymce instead of tinymce/tinymce. By moving the directory yourself, you fixed that.