
I was looking at the tables of related links to see if i could add some code to show the thumbnail of a node (i currently use pathauto + imagecache + cck (image field)).
Maybe I am wrong but there is no information on the target $nid (relatedlinks table). This table has only the $nid for the related nodes.
Looking at the 'Backlinks patch', trying to find a solution for this, i realize that patch wont work since it implies that the url information stored in relatedlinks table is only standard (no pathauto modified).

Would be nice if the table of related links could store the 2 nids (the target node and the related node). Currently my only guess to solve this problem would be doing a terrible query like
""SELECT node.nid, relatedlinks.lid, files.filepath FROM node INNNER JOIN relatedlinks ON node.title = relatedlinks.title INNER JOIN files ON node.nid = files.nid WHERE lid = %d""
Sorry for my english. Its not my first language.


Zen’s picture

Title: Related links + thumbs » Store related internal links as nids in the database
Version: 5.x-1.0-beta » 6.x-1.x-dev
Category: support » feature