drush_sup 7.x-2.0-beta2

#2129085: Pass --strict=0 to pm-releases command, so that Drush site-upgrade works with older versions of Drush 6.

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Clean up site upgrade report; add list of modules added post-upgrade.

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-alpha6

New features
Bug fixes
  • Rename to upgrade.drush.inc so that it will be easier to use drush dl to get latest code. Update README.txt to match.
  • Test for $update_free_status == false, and check if the destination site is already offline in steps 17 and 18, respectively. Also mark the "run cron" and "show status report" steps as "straightforward", so that they will run without prompting unless in --prompt-all mode.
  • Clean up the output of content-migrate-status
  • Pass --yes to sql-sync again; appears this is necessary for some folks.
  • Run content-migrate-fields

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-alpha5

Fix problem with site database record generation when target alias does NOT have a db record.

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

#1698088: Allow --create-db to be passed along to sql-sync
#1703178: Use correct db credentials with transitional site in step 12-a.
Create %temp directory

drush_sup 7.x-2.x-dev

Bug fixes

#1698088: Allow --create-db to be passed along to sql-sync
#1703178: Use correct db credentials with transitional site in step 12-a.
Create %temp directory

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Improve formatting of pre-upgrade report and upgrade progress report.

Pass command line options (e.g. --create-db) through to sql-sync.

drush_sup 7.x-2.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

Call updatedb using backend invoke's 'integrate' mode, rather than 'interactive'.

Add a new option in the Step 15 menu to run just the contrib module upgrades in --auto mode.

Allow the upgrade progress page to be displayed from the Step 15 menu.

drush_sup 7.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes

Bug fixes on the site-upgrade implementation pulled from Drush core.

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