To show website slogan below logo, just enter your website slogan in Drupal admin panel.
Navigate to: Administrator >> Configuration >> System >> Site information

And set your website slogan.


After you have set your website slogan, it will be displayed below logo in header.


To hide website slogan, just leave the slogan box empty.

Slogan2.png3.83 KB
Slogan3.png2.44 KB


paulmarc’s picture

You can also hide the slogan from the Theme/Global Settings (admin/appearance/settings or admin/appearance/settings/business).
Just go there, and uncheck "Site slogan".

Larkach’s picture

For some reason, site name & slogan appears in the centre of header and overlaps with menu tabs. How can I fix this?

petu’s picture

For Drupal 8: go to /admin/structure/block, search for 'Site branding' block and click the 'Configure' button.

letsplant’s picture

Hi, I have the problem that the slogan is positioned aside the site-name (adaptive theme, drupal 8). I would like to have it below as shown above. Up to now I didn't find a way to achieve this, already tried with css pseudo-class to add a line break but is seems that the site name and the site slogan are two different units of text and a line break doesn't produce the desired result.

ressa’s picture

Thanks @petu, I added your tip in the Drupal 9/10 guide under Getting started with Drupal administration > Configure your site information.

For Olivero, see #3188136: The site slogan doesn't show with Olivero. Let's hope that issue gets resolved soon.