riddler 2.0.4

Bug fixes

Contributors (2)

Anybody, Grevil


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 2.0.3:

riddler 3.0.1

Bug fixes

Contributors (2)

Anybody, Grevil


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0:

riddler 2.0.3

Bug fixes

Removed Drupal 10 compatibility due to Captcha 1.x not being Drupal 10 compatible.

riddler 3.0.0-beta1

New features

Riddler 3.x release, enabling compatibility with captcha 2.x.

riddler 2.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

Major rewrite by @Grevil using Config Entities now, which allows stable translation, stability and better administration! Yay :)

riddler 2.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Fundamental module changes through #3111315: [2.x] Riddler 2.x release.

More detailed release notes in first production release (2.0.0), when #3111315: [2.x] Riddler 2.x release is finished.

riddler 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixes comma separation bug with multiple answers.

riddler 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixes comma separation bug with multiple answers.

riddler 5.x-3.1

Bug fixes

Issue #172375: Thanks to JohnForsythe, demon326, Dister_be, Artem, skizze, soxof...
Issue #192308: Russion translations, compliments of VladSavitsky

riddler 5.x-3.0

New features
Bug fixes

* Now compatible with Captcha v3.0 (menu item, validation)
* Is now truly case-insensitive as promised on the settings page (thanks soxofaan)

Note: This release has a few changes and has not been tested much, is in a 'works for me' stage.

riddler 5.x-1.3

New features

Added a weight option to the settings page. Thanks to nkoponen for report and patch code.

Started planning for multiple questions in a future release. Any ideas on how it would be best implemented through forms would be greatly appreciated. So far I'm stuck in between having a single textfield with comma separated values and doing something fancy with jquery.

But back to the release; no major changes

riddler 5.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Changes: Minor change to the hook_menu implementation. Now allows cache.

riddler 5.x-1.1

- Fixes #143296
- Now requires and compliments Captcha
- Works with all forms Captcha supports
- Settings page moved under '/admin/settings/captcha/riddler'

riddler 5.x-1.0

First public release of Form Riddler.

Features include:
- Support for comment forms
- Customizable question/answer

riddler 5.x-1.x-dev

Development version of Form Riddler. Should be functional but not tested.

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