I love the "No markup at all"-style cause with it I am able to clean up the default drupal nested html & class-mess.
What I am missing currently is the possibility to define a wrapper-DIV with class and id around the content.

If I could define a DIV-Wrapper with class or/and id it would be very handy for us designers to control the content with css.

With "No markup at all":content ...

With "No markup at all + Wrapper":<div id="socialIcons">content ...</div>

If you need more or detailed informations on this please let me know.


drupal a11y’s picture

Maybe also a tutorial or some example code is also good.


jason.bell’s picture

The Versatile theme has a style plugin that provides this. I would caution against using it too heavily since it can be confusing where your markup is coming from—templates, panels UI, Views UI, etc… You could also clone it to create your own unique style plugins and load those through your theme.

helior’s picture

The module Tools for Highly Attractive People has a both a layout and style plugin named "Nah.." that does exactly what you're asking for.

timbrandin’s picture

You can achieve the same result but with more fine grained control with Semantic Panels