For D6 it´s already here:

This patch adds support for "prefix" and "suffix" markup per field in the Semantic Views row style settings.
This allows me to take for instance 4 fields:

<img />

and wrap some of them in a div:

<img />

That is accomplished by setting a prefix of "<div>" on the <h2> field and a suffix of "</div>" on the <a> field.
Now, this does mean you're entering freeform HTML and so it's up to you to make sure you don't break your markup structure.

This seemed the simplest way to implement this feature but I'd sure love if Semantic Views had a nice table-drag-and-drop hierarchical control that lets you add wrapper tags and put your fields "under" them. That'd probably be the more "right" way to accomplish this feature.


drupal a11y’s picture

Another issue that would be a similar additional feature is here:

"I use the first/last grouping options and needed to wrap those groups in a div to clear floated elements in the preceding rows. The patch lets you choose to add a wrapper by stating a class for that wrapper. If you enter no class (empty by default) it won't create a wrapper."

kingandy’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Escaping HTML

Scyther’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I have solved this problem by using Panels as the row style for the view.

Letting this issue still be open for future development.