Note: as of FAQ 6.x-1.9, this settings page has been moved. There should now be an 'Order' tab on each individual faq page which allows you to adjust the order of nodes displayed on that page.

This settings page allows the user to adjust the order in which questions are listed on the 'faq' page. If categories are enabled, then the weighting is done on a per-category basis as a FAQ node can appear in more than one category. Only users with the 'administer faq order' permission can re-order the faq items.

To order the questions, the user must select one or more questions in the select box. Multiple questions can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the questions. Once the user has their selection made, they can use the up and down arrows to change their position in the list. It is also possible to order the list by the question creation date descending or ascending using the links provided.

It is also possible to weight FAQ nodes using the weight module. However, any weight settings made on the FAQ weights configuration page will override those set by the "weight" module.

If you wish to re-order the faq categories themselves, then you will need to adjust the weight of the taxonomy terms under Content Management > Taxonomy > [vocab name]


wickedskaman’s picture

Here's another hint for new users... if you do not have categories in your FAQs go to the "Categories" tab in the FAQ configuration pages and deselect "Categorize questions" ... otherwise rearranging the order will not work.

Steve Ramos