I'm using content profile and content access and created 2 roles (let's say role A and role B) associated with content type A and content type B. I created a bunch of fields for the profiles, with an empty body (body label blank in "Form submission Settings" of the content type edit form). In the content type A access control tab, I granted "view own content" and "edit own content" access only to users of role A. Same for role B. I set up the permissions so role A users can view and edit all content type A fields.
After a user of role A creates an account, a node of content type A is also created, let's call it node/7.
While logged in as the administrator, l can view node/7, and I also have an edit tab on that page. I clicked on the edit tab and changed a value and then clicked the save button. The result is that it goes back to the edit tab (it should go back to the view node tab with a message saying the node has been saved), and the value I changed is back to the original value. So the admin can't edit the node.
I need to have the admin be able to edit the node because of our business process.
Someone please help! I'm fairly new to Drupal, and I've tried for 2 days to make this module work, and I can't.