
  • Create / Modify / Delete menu
  • Create / Modify / Delete menu_item

Available Tags

  • Menu
  • Menu_item

Automatic extraction of patterns files status

Yes, supported since version 7.x-1.x


Menu Tag

 title: Menu operations
 description: Add / Edit / Remove a menu to the website
 author: QScience
 category: Examples
 version: 1.0
 core: 7.x
 author_email: i@me.org
 author_website: <a href="http://qlectives.eu">http://qlectives.eu</a>


 - create:
       tag: menu
       name: footer-links
       title: Footer Links
       description: Another interesting vocabulary
  - modify:
      tag: menu
      name: menu-footer-links
      title: Footer Links
      description: Menu description changed.
 - delete:
      tag: menu
      name: menu-footer-links

Menu_item operation

  title: menu items operations
  description: Create / Modify / Delete menu items
  author: QScience
  category: Examples
  version: 1.0
  core: 7.x
  author_email: i@me.org
  author_website: <a href="http://qlectives.eu">http://qlectives.eu</a>


  - create:      
      tag: menu_item
      menu_name: menu-footer-links
      link_path: http://123.com
      link_title: menu link title
      disable: 1

 - modify:
     tag: menu_item
     menu_name_old: menu-footer-links
     link_path_old: http://123.com
     link_title_old: menu link title
     menu_name: menu-footer-links
     link_path: http://123.com
     link_title: menu link title changed
     disable: 1

  - delete:
      tag: menu_item
      menu_name: menu-footer-links
      link_path: http://123.com
      link_title: menu link title changed

XML example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <title>menu create</title>
  <description>creat a menu</description>
  <create tag="Menu">
    <title>Footer Links</title>
    <description>Another interesting vocabulary</description>